Created by Gerry Conway and Jose Delbo


Occupation: Engineer
Marital Status: Separated or divorced
Known Relatives: Unnamed wife
Base of Operation: New York City
Gender: Male
First Appearance: World's Finest Comics #270 (August 1981): "Die, Android, Die"
Creators: Gerry Conway and Jose Delbo


A former foe of the Red Tornado (II).


The man known only as the Robot Killer was an engineer working in a defense contractor's factory. When robots replaced him and he lost his job, his life went on a downward spiral. Armed with a variety of weapons, he became the Robot Killer. He struck against robots used in science and medicine and ultimately came into conflict with the android superhero Red Tornado.

Throughout their battle, and despite his declared hatred towards mechanicals, the Robot Killer kept referring to his foe in human terms. He was able to inflict severe damage, but when their fight brought them under a collapsing pier a broken gas main would mean death to the human villain. He had to repair the Red Tornado so the hero could save them both. The Robot Killer was taken for medical treatment and into custody. He has not been seen since. - World's Finest Comics #270, 272


The Robot Killer had no superhuman powers. He possessed a variety of weapons to destroy his robot targets. A full listing of weaponry is not available, however he has been seen with an electron-axe, a swrod and a crossbow.


For a definitive list of appearances of Robot Killer in chronological order click here