Created by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Yvel Guichet |
Former Members: Repulse, Twine, Abyss, Braintrust,
First Appearance: Legion Worlds #1 (June 2001): "You Are Here: Earth"
Creators: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Yvel Guichet
A meta-human superteam assembled by the mysterious Mister Venge in the year 3001 to act as defenders of Earth in the wake of the disbanding of the Legion of Super-Heroes after the Space-Rift Incident.
The team roster comprised of the Daxamite M'Onel, the Braalian and ex-magno ball champion Repulse, the Rimborian gangbanger Twine and her energy lashes, Abyss the possessor of a ring that could "void" any opponent into a dark and cold dimension, and the telekinetic Braintrust.
When the lost Legionnaires came back to Earth, M'Onel left the Oversight Watch to rejoin his old teamates. In fact, the Oversight acted as President McCauley's personal guard and were soon assigned by him to kill the fugitive Legionnaires.
Later, when they learned that their boss was Ra's Al Ghul in disguise and that his plans included something looking pretty much like genocide, they became more reluctant to obey his orders. During the Legion's assault on Ra's Al Ghul base, the members of the Oversight prefered to submit quietly.
For a definitive list of appearances of Oversight Watch in chronological order click here