NUCLEAR I (Percy Playboy) | BIOGRAPHY |
Created by Robert Kanigher and Harry G. Peter |
Real Name: Percy Playboy
Full Name: Percival Plazchek
Aliases: Magnetic Maurauder
Known Relatives: Joye Plazchek (sister)
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #43 (September-October 1950): "Nuclear Returns"
Creators: Robert Kanigher and Harry G. Peter
Percival Plazchek (or "Percy Playboy") was a rich but troubled youth in the 1940s, who nursed a secret hatred of his sister Joye since their father had named her as his heir. In January 1942, Percy donned an experimental armor that gave him the ability to control magnetic fields. As "Nuclear, the Magnetic Marauder", he attacked a U.S. warship, which led him into battle with Hippolyta – the 1940s Wonder Woman – and other members of the All-Star Squadron. This battle seemingly ended with Nuclear dying in a fire below his own playboy mansion.
A few years later, Nuclear returned and extorted money from Lemuel Tugboat, owner of the Lenard Shipline, and hi-jacked one of Tugboat's ocean liners. Hippolyta once again stepped in to save the day and defeated Nuclear, but was never able to convince Joye that her brother was a villain. Nuclear's later activities are unknown.
There does not appear to be any relationship to the original Nuclear and the more recent Nuclear II of the Nuclear Legion.
For a definitive list of appearances of Nuclear in chronological order click here