Unofficial Next Batman: Second Son Index |
Cover Date: June 2021
Cover Price: $4.99
Publication Date: 2021-04-06
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Cover Credits:
Art: Doug Braithwaite
Story | John Ridley |
Breakdown pencils | Ryan Benjamin |
Pencils | Tony Akins |
Inks | Mark Morales |
Colors | Rex Lokus |
Lettering | Deron Bennett |
Editing | Ben Abernathy |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Vol
- Lucius Fox (last in Batman: The Joker War Zone #1/2; behind the scenes)
- Tyler Arkadine (first appearance)
Guest Appearance(s):
- Grifter (last in ???)
- Earth
- Vietnam
- Ninh Thuận Province
- Vietnam
- This series was originally published as a digital first series, where each page was cut in two. Since the series was originally formatted for the physical format, it will be fully indexed from the physical issues.
- Each physical issue contains 3 digital first issues.
- A new miniseries by Academy Award-winning writer John Ridley and artists Tony Akins and Travel Foreman begins.
- Readers know that after the events of Future State, Tim Fox is the next Batman... but what's his origin story? Why has he been estranged from Lucius Fox and his family for so long? Connected to the dramatic events of March's Infinite Frontier #0, these questions and many more will be explored in this thrilling new miniseries.
Story | John Ridley |
Breakdown pencils | Marco Failla |
Pencils | Tony Akins, Travel Foreman |
Inks | Mark Morales |
Colors | Rex Lokus |
Lettering | Deron Bennett |
Editing | Ben Abernathy |
Feature Character(s):
- Jace Fox (next in flashback in Batman Vol. 3 #101)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lucius Fox (next in flashback in Batman Vol. 3 #101)
- Tanya Fox (last in Batman: The Joker War Zone #1/2; next in flashback in Batman Vol. 3 #101)
- Tam Fox (last in Batman: The Joker War Zone #1/2)
- Tiffany Fox (last in Batman: The Joker War Zone #1/2)
- Batwing (last in Batman: The Joker War Zone #1/2; next in flashback in Batman Vol. 3 #101)
- Renée Montoya (offered the position of police commissioner; next in Infinite Frontier #0/4)
- Christopher Nakano (last in ???; next in Infinite Frontier #0/4)
Guest Appearance(s):
- Grifter (next in flashback in Batman Vol. 3 #101)
- Earth
- United States of America
- Gotham City
- Archie Goodwin International Airport
- City Hall District
- Gotham City Hall
- Office of Mayor Nakano
- Gotham City Hall
- Gotham City
- United States of America
Story | John Ridley |
Breakdown pencils | Ryan Benjamin |
Pencils | Tony Akins |
Inks | Mark Morales |
Colors | Rex Lokus |
Lettering | Deron Bennett |
Editing | Ben Abernathy |
Feature Character(s):
- Jace Fox (last in Infinite Frontier #0/4)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lucius Fox (last in Infinite Frontier #0/4)
- Tanya Fox (last in flashback in Batman Vol. 3 #101)
- Tam Fox
- Tiffany Fox
- Batwing (last in flashback in Batman Vol. 3 #101)
- Renée Montoya (last in Infinite Frontier #0/4; accepts the position of police commissioner)
- Christopher Nakano (last in Infinite Frontier #0/4)
- Winfield (first appearance; the Joker's former advance man)
Cameo Appearance(s):
- Earth
- United States of America
- This story takes place just after A-Day