Created by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis |
Occupation: Green Lantern; Keeper of the Crypt of the Green Lantern Corps
Homeworld: Sarc
Space Sector: 666
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Marrg (brother, deceased)
Group Affiliation(s): The Relentless (former); Green Lantern Corps
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 7"
Eyes: Black
Hair: Unknown
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 4 #12 (July 2006): "Revenge of the Green Lanterns Part Three"
Creators: Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis
Located in Space Sector 666, the desert planet Sarc is a harsh world. The nomadic tribe called the Relentless would cross the sands for weeks under Sarc’s twin suns without food or water. They would rest during the night, enclosed in tents to keep out Sarc’s nocturnal predators. Though formidable, even members of the Relentless would eventually succumb to the environment. Their fellow tribesmen would strip them of their valuables as they walked by, leaving the weak or dead to be claimed by the sands and Sarc’s predators.
Sarc was the homeworld of Morro. He was unique among his tribe in that he felt the dead should not be cast away and forgotten, they should be remembered and honored. One night, while the tribe was camped under a plateau, Morro saw the door to his tent was open and believed a predator had taken his brother. He saw a drature (a creature similar to a dragon) carrying an object to the top of the plateau. Morro climbed after it, and seeing what he thought was his brother’s blood, attacked the drature. Despite the drature’s superior size, strength and ability to breathe flame, Morro was able to slay the beast.
To his revulsion, he found he had killed the drature in error. It was not his brother’s body, but merely a bag of fruit the drature had stolen to feed its four offspring. It was daylight by the time Morro was able to climb down the plateau and the Relentless had moved on. Following their trail, he found Margg. His brother had been looking for Morro but was overcome by the heat.
Abandoned by their own people, it was surprising to discover the pair was rescued by the dratures. They were led to more water than their tribe had ever seen. They lived together for years as a family until Marrg died, passing away peacefully in his sleep.
A few months after his brother’s death, a power ring sought out Morro for induction into the Green Lantern Corps. Morro volunteered to be caretaker of the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps on Oa. He would maintain the crystal coffins and eternal flames of untold thousands of Green Lanterns that had fallen in its three billion year history. The four dratures remain with him. - Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files #1
Morro would perform a private solemn ceremony, welcoming and honoring each of the fallen lanterns. Though most bodies are lost before ever getting to the crypts, all have a crystal and what appears to be a holographic representation of them. For those whose mortal remains are relatively intact, their bodies would be encased in emerald creating the simulacrum representation of the honored Lantern.
On rare occasion, Morro gets to break the crystal coffins, such as when over two dozen Lanterns that were presumed dead were found on the Manhunter homeworld of Biot. Green Lanterns Arisia, Ke'Haan, Boodikka, Graf Toren, Chaselon, Hannu, Relok Hag, Laira, Jack T. Chance, Lashorr and many others were recovered from the Manhunters.
Morro remains a formidable warrior, and still carries a crystal headed hammer as he did on Sarc. Morro fought in the Sinestro Corps War, and was on Earth to assist in their defeat. Following the end of the war, Morro kept busy in the Crypts with the high number of casualties.
In the days leading up to the Blackest Night, Morro was disturbed to find Green Lantern Saarek had entered the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps. Saarek claimed the dead were talking to him, a pronouncement most were hard-pressed to believe, but Morro felt unnerved when Saarek passed along greetings from Morro’s late brother.
It would later be revealed that Nekron had returned the dead to a semblance of life as members of the Black Lantern Corps. The black rings ripped through the Crypts, raising the dead to slay the living. When the threat was finally neutralized, Morro oversaw the restoration of the Crypts.
Recently, Morro and virtually all his fellow Green Lanterns fell under the thrall of Krona and Parallax. They are currently on Oa battling Ganthet. - Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #59
As a Green Lantern, Morro possesses a power ring and a power battery. Morro also wields a war hammer-like weapon with a crystal hammerhead. It is not known if the weapon is created by Morro's ring, or brought from his homeworld.
For a definitive list of appearances of Morro in chronological order click here (2006-2011) and here (2011-present)
Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files #1 (February 2008)