Created by Liz Erickson and Nik Virella

The Original Universe


Homeworld: Unknown
Space Sector: Unidentified
Physical characteristics:
Eyes: One; orange
Skin Color: Purple
First Appearance: DC Cybernetic Summer #1/6 (September 2020)
Creators: Liz Erickson and Nik Virella


Moravecans are massive in size, and featuring at least seven appendages resembling tentacles. This may draw similarities to Starro, however they are clearly of different species.


For a definitive list of appearances of the Moravecans in chronological order click here


There has only been one documented appearance of Moravecans, which involved Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes. The young heroes had chased a Moravecan through Smallville when it escaped at light speed. Forced to pursue it, at the time they did not realize it had implanted spores in a Superboy robot.