Created by Chuck Dixon and Tom Grummett


Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Earth-9 (planet) (52 Multiverse)
Known Relatives: Unnamed parents and siblings (deceased)
Group Affiliation(s): Secret Six
Gender: Female
Hair: Red
First Appearance: Tangent Comics / Secret Six #1 (December 1997): "Bad Moon"
Creators: Chuck Dixon and Tom Grummett


A native of war-torn Czechoslovakia, the woman known only as Manhunter has devoted her life to taking revenge on those responsible for the thousands killed in her homeland, including her parents and siblings.

- Tangent Comics / Secret Six #1

Back in Prague in 1968, as a young girl she and her dog "Pooch" found an undetonated Red Tornado missile. Not knowing what it was, she took off the warhead's casing, exposing herself to some of the toxin. Despite chemical burns over seventy percent of her body, she was able to make it back to "Hell" (the nickname given to Czech refugees' underground haven) and tell them what she found.

With the help of an elite group of American soldiers nicknamed the Metal Men, the missile was brought back to U.S. controlled territory where it was used as a bargaining chip to end the war in Czechoslovakia. - Tangent Comics / Metal Men # 1

Years later, armed with high tech weapons and tracking equipment, as well as a robot dog "Pooch," she took the name Manhunter. It is rumored her costume also serves as a bio-containment unit due to her exposure to the genetically engineered Red Tornado virus. - Tangent Comics / Secret Six #1

In a story told by the widows of Czechoslovakia, Manunter was involved in the origin of the woman known as Green Lantern.

After months of searching, Manhunter believed she had found Darkside, the brutal butcher from the Czech ethnic camps. Darkside had been responsible for the deaths of thousands of Czechoslovakians but had escaped the tribunals after the war.

In New Atlantis, it appeared Darkside had taken up a new life under a new identity. Manhunter's computer confirmed the profiles matched with a 9.8 accuracy rating. Smashing into her apartment window, Manhunter executed the woman she believed was Darkside.

A month later, the television program "Zero Hour" reported Darkside had been seen in the Czechoslovak War Zone where she attacked two UN convoys. Manhunter knew she had killed the wrong person.

Fascinated by the occult, Darkside had become a dark agent of Meridian and was empowered by a mystical orb which enabled her to raise the dead for one night to do her bidding.

Years after killing the woman she thought was Darkside, Manhunter now faced the true villain in the graveyards of Czechoslovakia. Low on ammo and overwhelmed by the hordes of the dead, Manhunter bought a few moments rest by escaping into a ruined church where she faced the ghost of the woman she had killed.

The woman claimed she was Darkside's twin sister. She had left Czechoslovakia to start a new life in New Atlantis when Manhunter had killed her. Now she had returned on the night Darkside had raised the dead to help destroy the butcher of Czechoslovakia. When the zombie hordes had broken through the church doors, Darkside entered to confront Manhunter but found her sister waiting instead. A mystic battle erupted which was used to divert Darkside's attention. Smashing Darkside's orb with a lantern, Manhunter destroyed Darkside. The villain's powers went to her sister who then, as the story goes, became Green lantern. - Tangent Comics / Tales of the Green Lantern #1/4

More recently, in Guatemala, one of Manhunter's targets offered to give her the location of Doctor Aquadus, the former director of the Svitavy War Science Lab. Aquadus had been in charge of the development of the Red Tornado virus which was responsible for so many deaths. Manhunter agreed she would spare her informant's life, but that agreement did not extend to her robot dog, Pooch.

Aquadus had been involved in a teleporter accident some years before which turned him into a water elemental. To gain complete mastery of the Earth's waters, Aquadus had joined forces with the Meridian funded villain group known as S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. In an undersea base off the coast of Cabo San Lucas, Aquadus planned to destroy the Earth's moon, an act he believed would make his power absolute.

A powerful shockwave from the undersea base had killed thousands of migrating Sea Devils and caught the attention of the group Nightwing as well as the media. After watching the report on television, the Joker was one of the first heroes to start investigating, which alerted S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. of intruders.

Gunner and Sarge of S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. would have killed the Joker if not for the timely arrival of Manhunter. The avenger killed the two S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. agents and with the Joker, descended to the ocean floor to confront Aquadus in his lair.

Other heroes, Plastic Man and the Spectre, both agents of Nightwing, had made their way to the S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. base and battled Warlord, Damage and other S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. agents. The Atom and the Flash were caught in the watery grip of Doctor Aquadus. Realizing those two heroes were the only beings with enough power to prevent Aquadus' planet gun from destroying the moon, Manhunter fired at Aquadus' containment tanks, running the risk of drowning themselves in the process.

With the help of the Flash, the light based hero interrupted the energy transfer from the Eclipso twins which powered the planet gun. The resulting backlash dispersed Aquadus and destroyed the S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. base. The heroes escaped with the help of Plastic Man. On the surface, the heroes realized how much they had accomplished by working together and agreed to join together as a team, the Secret Six. - Tangent Comics / Secret Six #1

After setting up their satellite headquarters, the Secret Six then set out to free Plastic Man from Nightwing's hold. Plastic Man's form held his consciousness which was relayed by a Nightwing satellite from the comatose body of Gunther Ganz. As long as Nightwing held this power over Plastic Man he would always be under their thumb.

As Nightwing had been pursuing the Flash for quite sometime and had sent Plastic Man after her, the heroes devised a plan which involved the capture of not only the Flash but Plastic Man as well. With the help of the Spectre, the heroes were taken inside the Nightwing installation as prisoners.

Former member of the Metal Men, Francis Powell wanted the Flash killed for humiliating him in their previous encounter. He had Plastic Man tortured for betraying Nightwing but things were not as they seemed. They did not foresee Plastic Man and the Flash had disguised themselves as each other and therefore could easily escape the containment devices designed for each other. Nightwing was also caught unawares by the betrayal of the Spectre who aided his Secret Six friends in their escape.

While they fought to free Gunther Ganz' body, Manhunter tried in vain to transfer Plastic Man's consciousness to the Secret Six satellite before Nightwing could shut down their relay. It seemed to be the end of Gunther Ganz as the Plastic Man body liquefied, however, instead of dispersing his consciousness, Gunther Ganz' human body came out of its coma. He was able to project his consciousness back into his Plastic Man body in time to catch a bullet that would have killed his human body.

Later, on board the satellite, the Secret Six studied reports of the Doom Patrol in Russia. - Tangent Comics / The Trials of the Flash #1

Dr. Diedre "Doomsday" Dey, Lourdes "Firehawk" Dey, Star Sapphire, and the android Rampage of the Doom Patrol had been fused into the being known as the Ultra-Humanite. - Tangent Comics / Nightwing: Night Force #1

The Secret Six united in New Atlantis to battle the threat of the Ultra-Humanite. Manhunter and her allies fell before the Humanite's superior power. It remains to be seen if the Ultra-Humanite can ever be defeated. - Tangent Comics / JLA #1


For a definitive list of appearances of Manhunter in chronological order click here