Created by Chuck Dixon and Tom Grummett

The Original Universe


Former Members:  Damage, the Eclipso twins, Gunner, Sarge, Warlord, Dr. Aquadus,
First Appearance: Tangent Comics / Secret Six #1 (December 1997)

"Bad Moon"
Creators: Chuck Dixon and Tom Grummett



Funded by the European organization Meridian, the criminal conclave known as S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. (source of acronym unknown) consisted of Warlord, Damage, Gunner, Sarge and the Eclipso twins. In an underwater facility deep beneath the Pacific Ocean, some 100 miles off the tip of Baja California, just north of the Tropic of Cancer, S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. had allied itself with Doctor Aquadus.

The former director of the Soviet's Svitavy War Science Lab, Doctor Aquadus was a war criminal who had overseen the development of the deadly Red Tornado virus. Sometime after the weapon was deployed, Aquadus turned to his true interests, the teleportation of living tissue. In a horrible accident, an explosion merged Aquadus with the waters of Lake Bodva, turning him into a water elemental.

Doctor Aquadus' mad plan was to use energy generated by the Eclipsoes to power a planet gun which would fire a narrowcast beam across the two hundred-fifty thousand miles between Earth and the moon. Striking the lunar surface, the beam would superheat the ice beneath the moon's crust. Aquadus believed the escaping gases would tear the moon apart, he presumed this would give him total mastery of the Earth's waters and he would become the being known as Aquaman.

Impatient with the slow progress of his allies, Aquadus set off a shockwave lasting thirty seconds but killed thousands of Sea Devils which were swimming nearby. The dead Sea Devils washed up on the shores of Cabo San Lucas and despite the wishes of Nightwing, the news was broadcast around the world, attracting the attention of the Flash, the third Atom and the Joker.

Nightwing, having tracked the oceanic disturbance, sent in Plastic Man and the Spectre to investigate. Before he became Plastic Man, scientist Gunther Ganz had worked undercover for Nightwing in the Svitavy Lab when the teleportation accident occurred. His consciousness had been transferred into a living polymer. Now a field agent, Plastic Man had "recruited" the Spectre for the S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. mission.

Another costumed adventurer, the woman known as Manhunter, had been tracking war criminals to make them pay for the deaths caused by Red Tornado in Czechoslovakia years before. A lead in Guatemala brought her to the waves above the S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. base.

When the Joker set off proximity alarms, Gunner and Sarge surfaced to eliminate the meddling hero. The Manhunter saved the Joker by brutally gunning down the two S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. agents.

As the Eclipso twins powered the planet gun, S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. tried to fend off the Joker, Manhunter, Plastic Man and the Spectre while Doctor Aquadus took care of the Flash and the Atom. Realizing the two heroes were the best chance for their success, Manhunter freed them from Aquadus' liquid embrace and Flash was able to short out the Eclipso twins. The planet gun's feedback dispersed Doctor Aquadus, presumably forever.

The six heroes escaped thanks to Plastic Man but the members of S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. are believed to be dead, under the Pacific Ocean. - Tangent Comics/Secret Six #1


For a definitive list of appearances of S.I.N.E.S.T.R.O. (Tangent Earth) in chronological order click here