Created by Karl Kesel and Stuart Immonen



Occupation: Menehune
Gender: Male
Eyes: Stone (no actual pupils)
Hair: None
First Appearance: Adventures of Superman #541 (December 1996): "Happily Ever After"
Creators: Karl Kesel and Stuart Immonen


Kekona is a menehune, a legendary breed practically wiped off the face of the earth. They were, according to legend, some of the great builders of the ancient buildings built in the polynesian empires of centuries past. Kekona realised that as time passed, he thought his people had been wiped out and this really upset him. He also grew tired of watching all the traditional ways of erecting buildings that last for centuries grow obsolete to buildings made today in Hawaii that we all know won't last the est of time. Kekona decided he had nothing more to lose, so why not got out on a rampage and wipe out the new ways of constructing? Kekona defied his people's ways of using his hammer to build as is the way of the menehune, instead he used it to destroy. Since Kekona's behaviour is quite destructive, Superboy tried to stop him. He learned for a little pixie, this little guy packed quite a wallop. If it wasn't for Tana Moon's knowledge of menehune legend, Superboy would still be picking his teeth up from the ground. Superboy used a bar of iron to chain Kekona and prevented him from causing any more damage. kekona could not move and at this time he learned that other menehunes had been watching his rantings and ravings and when they made their presence clear, Kekona realised he was no longer the last of his kind and teleported to what they called their "Wall of Law," so that Kekona would receive his punishment. Kekona didn't seem to learn too well...

When Green Lantern was in Hawaii on an art assignment (for his Kyle Rayner double life), and he saw Kekona back at it again wreaking havoc on another building. He didn't realise how powerful Kekona was and he got thrown around. Superboy was in the area and saved Kyle from further beatings from the disgruntled pixie and once again encased him in iron. The menehune justice authorities arrived once again to take Kekona to justice. Who knows if he'll ever learn...


Kekona is a disgruntled menehune. He's as strong as he is persistant, which any hero who has crossed his path will tell you. He appears to be invulnerable to most attacks save iron. He is also capable of teleportation.


For a definitive list of appearances of Kekona in chronological order click here