Created by Greg Rucka and Rick Burchett


Aliases: Jordan Reynolds
Citizenship: American
Base of Operation: Gotham City
Group Affiliation(s): G.C.P.D. (former)
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Batman Vol. 1 #587 (March 2001): "Officer Down, Part One: These Are Your Rights"
Creators: Greg Rucka and Rick Burchett


Formerly Jordan Reynolds, a man arrested by James Gordon in Chicago, Rich was a new identity created by the witness protection program. However, in his new life he had no family and no qualifications, and he hated Gordon passionately.

When Gotham City was reopened to the world recently, Rich joined the police department, working for the man who had arrested him (Gordon being Gotham's police commissioner) and later shooting him, though the detectives of the major crime unti could not prove this. He has since disappeared, his death almost certainly arranged by one of those same officers in revenge for his attack on Gordon which caused the commissioner to retire.


For a definitive list of appearances of Jordan Rich in chronological order click here