Green Lantern GREEN LANTERN (Jessica Cruz)CHRONOLOGY 
Created by Geoff Johns

Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz).png
Green Lantern Jessica Cruz
The New 52! Universe


Green Lantern first appeared in Green Lantern Vol. 5 #20
(becomes a Green Lantern): Justice League Vol. 2 #50 (June 2016).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Green Lantern in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz) biography click here.

Green Lantern Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title

ZZAs Power Ring II

Justice League Vol. 2 #30 (June 2014): "Injustice League, Part 1: Kicking Down the Doors"
Justice League Vol. 2 #31 (August 2014): "Injustice League, Part 2: Power Players"
Justice League Vol. 2 #32 (September 2014): "Injustice League, Part 3: Birth"
Justice League Vol. 2 #33 (October 2014): "Injustice League, Part 4: Puppet Strings"
Justice League Vol. 2 #34 (December 2014): "Injustice League Epilogue: Unlikely Allies"
Justice League Vol. 2 #35 (December 2014): "The Amazo Virus Prologue: The Outbreak"
Justice League Vol. 2 #36 (January 2015): "The Amazo Virus, Chapter One: Quarantined"
Justice League Vol. 2 #37 (February 2015): "The Amazo Virus, Chapter Two: Patient Zero"
Justice League Vol. 2 #38 (March 2015): "The Amazo Virus, Chapter Three: The Secret"
Justice League Vol. 2 #39 (April 2015): "The Amazo Virus, Chapter Four: The Infected"
Action Comics Vol. 2 #48 (March 2016): "Savage Dawn, Part 2: Assault"
Action Comics Vol. 2 #50 (May 2016): "Savage Dawn, Part 7: Resurrection"
Justice League Vol. 2 #41 (August 2015): "Darkseid War, Chapter One: God vs Man"
Justice League Vol. 2 #42 (September 2015): "Darkseid War, Chapter Two: The New God"
Justice League Vol. 2 #43 (October 2015): "Darkseid War, Chapter Three: Taken"
Justice League Vol. 2 #44 (November 2015): "Darkseid War, Chapter Four: The Death of Darkseid"
Justice League Vol. 2 #45 (December 2015): "Darkseid War Act 2: After Death, Chapter 1"
Justice League: Darkseid War - Flash #1 (January 2016): [No Title]
Justice League Vol. 2 #46 (February 2016): "Darkseid War Act 2: After Death, Chapter 2"
Justice League Vol. 2 #47 (February 2016): "Darkseid War Act 3: Gods of Justice, Part 1"
Justice League Vol. 2 #48 (April 2016): "Darkseid War Act 3: Gods of Justice, Part 2"
Justice League: Darkseid War Special #1 (May 2016): "The Darkness Within"
Justice League Vol. 2 #49 (May 2016): "Darkseid War, Part 9: Power Mad"
Justice League Vol. 2 #50 (June 2016): "Darkseid War, Conclusion: Death and Rebirth"

ZZAs Green Lantern

DC Universe: Rebirth #1 (July 2016): "The Clock is Ticking Across the DC Universe!"
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1 (September 2016): "Forged"
Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1 (August 2016): "Green Lanterns: Rebirth"
Green Lanterns #1 (August 2016): "Rage Planet, Part 1"
Green Lanterns #2 (September 2016): "Rage Planet, Part 2"
Green Lanterns #3 (September 2016): "Rage Planet, Part 3"
Green Lanterns #4 (October 2016): "Rage Planet, Part 4"
Green Lanterns #5 (October 2016): "Rage Planet, Part 5"
Green Lanterns #6 (November 2016): "Rage Planet, Part 6"
Batman Vol. 3 #5 (October 2016): "I Am Gotham, Part Five"
Detective Comics #942 (December 2016): "Night of the Monster Men, Finale"
Justice League: Rebirth #1 (September 2016): "Fear The Reaper"
Justice League Vol. 3 #1 (September 2016): "The Extinction Machines, Part One"
Justice League Vol. 3 #2 (October 2016): "The Extinction Machines, Part Two"
Justice League Vol. 3 #3 (October 2016): "The Extinction Machines, Part Three"
Justice League Vol. 3 #4 (November 2016): "The Extinction Machines, Part Four"
Justice League Vol. 3 #5 (November 2016): "The Extinction Machines, Finale"
Green Lanterns #7 (November 2016): "Family Matters, Part One: Kitchen Nightmares"
Green Lanterns #8 (December 2016): "Family Matters, Part Two: All Hallows' Eve"
Justice League Vol. 3 #6 (December 2016): "State of Fear, Part 1"
Justice League Vol. 3 #7 (December 2016): "State of Fear, Part 2"
Nightwing Vol. 4 #9 (January 2017): "Fighting Destiny"
DC Rebirth Holiday Special #1 (February 2017): "A Very Harley Holiday"
DC Rebirth Holiday Special #1/11 (February 2017): "The Epiphany"
New Super-Man #3 (November 2012): "Made in China, Part Three"
Justice League Vol. 3 #11 (February 2017): "Outbreak, Conclusion"
Green Lanterns #10 (January 2017): "The Phantom Lantern: Part One"
Green Lanterns #11 (January 2017): "The Phantom Lantern, Part Two"
Green Lanterns #12 (February 2017): "The Phantom Lantern, Part Three"
Green Lanterns #13 (February 2017): "The Phantom Lantern, Part Four"
Green Lanterns #14 (March 2017): "The Phantom Lantern, Part Five"
Green Lanterns #15 (March 2017): "A Day in the Life"
Aquaman Vol. 8 #12 (February 2017): "The Deluge, Act One"
Aquaman Vol. 8 #13 (February 2017): "The Deluge, Act Two"
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1 (February 2017): "Justice League vs. Suicide Squad"
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2 (February 2017): "Justice League vs. Suicide Squad, Chapter Two"
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #3 (March 2017): "Justice League vs. Suicide Squad, Chapter Three"
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4 (March 2017): "Justice League vs. Suicide Squad, Chapter Four"
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #5 (March 2017): "Justice League vs. Suicide Squad, Chapter Five"
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6 (March 2017): "Justice League vs. Suicide Squad, Conclusion"
Justice League Vol. 3 #14 (April 2017): "Regroup"
Green Lanterns #16 (April 2017): "Darkest Knights, Part 1"
Green Lanterns #17 (April 2017): "Darkest Knights, Part 2"
Justice League Vol. 3 #15 (April 2017): "Timeless, Part 1"
Justice League Vol. 3 #16 (May 2017): "Timeless, Part 2"
Justice League Vol. 3 #17 (May 2017): "Timeless, Part 3"
Justice League Vol. 3 #18 (June 2017): "Timeless, Part 4"
Justice League Vol. 3 #19 (June 2017): "Timeless, Part 5"
Titans Annual Vol. 3 #1 (April 2017): "Titans: Legacy"
Green Lanterns #19 (May 2017): "Polarity, Chapter One"
Green Lanterns #20 (June 2017): "Polarity, Chapter Two: Drowning"
Green Lanterns #21 (June 2017): "Polarity, Chapter Three: Flatline"
Justice League Vol. 3 #21 (July 2017): "Endless, Part Two"
Justice League Vol. 3 #20 (July 2017): "Endless, Part One"
The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #6 (August 2017): "Mission Creep"
Green Lanterns #22 (July 2017): "Lost in Space, Part 1"
Green Lanterns #23 (July 2017): "Lost in Space, Part 2"
Green Lanterns #24 (August 2017): "Lost in Space, Conclusion"
Green Lanterns #25 (August 2017): "The Return of the First Lantern"
Trinity Vol. 2 #9 (July 2017): "Dead Space"
Trinity Vol. 2 #10 (August 2017): "Dead Space, Part 2"
Trinity Vol. 2 #11 (September 2017): "Dead Space, Conclusion"
Justice League Vol. 3 #22 (August 2017): "A Thousand Little Things"
Wonder Woman Vol. 5 #25 (August 2017): "Perfect"
Justice League Vol. 3 #23 (August 2017): "Fear Itself"
Justice League Vol. 3 #24 (September 2017): "Fury"
Justice League Vol. 3 #25 (September 2017): "Reborn"
Green Lanterns #27 (September 2017): "Out of Time, Part One: Homeworld"
Green Lanterns #28 (October 2017): "Out of Time, Part Two: Miracles"
Green Lanterns #29 (October 2017): "Out of Time, Part Three: United"
Green Lanterns #30 (November 2017): "Never Quit"
Green Lanterns #31 (November 2017): "Homecoming"
Green Lanterns #32 (December 2017): "House Party"
Justice League Vol. 3 #26 (October 2017): "Legacy, Part One"
Justice League Vol. 3 #27 (October 2017): "Legacy, Part Two"
Justice League Vol. 3 #28 (November 2017): "Legacy, Part Three"
Justice League Vol. 3 #29 (November 2017): "Legacy, Part Four"
Justice League Vol. 3 #30 (December 2017): "Legacy, Part Four"
Justice League Vol. 3 #31 (December 2017): "Legacy, Conclusion"
Action Comics #990 (December 2017): "The Oz Effect, Part Four"
Green Lanterns #33 (December 2017): "Work Release, Part One"
Green Lanterns #34 (January 2018): "Work Release, Part Two"
Green Lanterns #35 (January 2018): "Oh, Bolphunga, Where Art Thou? Part One"
Green Lanterns #36 (February 2018): "Oh, Bolphunga, Where Art Thou? Part Two"
Green Lanterns #37 (February 2018): "A World of Our Own, Part 1"
Green Lanterns #38 (March 2018): "A World of Our Own, Part 2"
Green Lanterns #39 (March 2018): "A World of Our Own, Finale"
New Super-Man #17 (January 2018): "Equilibrium, Part Three"
New Super-Man #18 (February 2018): "Equilibrium, Finale"
Batman: The Devastator #1 (January 2018): "Symphony of Destruction"
Wonder Woman Vol. 5 #37 (February 2018): "Children of the Gods, Conclusion"
Green Lanterns #40 (April 2018): "Superhuman Trafficking, Part One"
Green Lanterns #41 (April 2018): "Superhuman Trafficking, Part Two"
Green Lanterns #42 (May 2018): "Superhuman Trafficking, Part Three"
Green Lanterns #43 (May 2018): "Superhuman Trafficking, Part Four"
Batman Vol. 3 #42 (May 2018): "Everyone Loves Ivy, Part Two"
Titans Vol. 3 #22 (June 2018): "Think Bigger"
Titans Annual Vol. 3 #2 (June 2018): "Mind Over Matter"
Justice League Vol. 3 #34 (February 2018): "The People vs. Justice League, Part 1: Three Rooms"
Justice League Vol. 3 #35 (February 2018): "The People vs. Justice League, Part 2: Swarm"
Justice League Vol. 3 #36 (March 2018): "The People vs. Justice League, Part 3"
Justice League Vol. 3 #37 (March 2018): "The People vs. Justice League, Part 4: The Fan"
Justice League Vol. 3 #38 (April 2018): "The People vs. Justice League, Part 5: Entropy"
Justice League Vol. 3 #39 (April 2018): "Justice Lost, Part 1: The Race"
Justice League Vol. 3 #41 (May 2018): "Justice Lost, Part 3: Saigon"
Justice League Vol. 3 #42 (June 2018): "Justice Lost, Part 4: A Strange Place of Dying"
Justice League Vol. 3 #43 (June 2018): "Justice Lost, The Conclusion"
Action Comics #1000 (June 2018): "From the City That Has Everything"
Flash Vol. 5 #46 (July 2018): "Road to Flash War"
Green Lanterns #44 (June 2018): "Ghosts of the Past, Part One"
Green Lanterns #45 (June 2018): "Ghosts of the Past, Part 2: The Last Hunt"
Green Lanterns #46 (July 2018): "Ghosts of the Past, Part Three, Hunted!"
Green Lanterns #47 (July 2018): "Ghosts of the Past, Part Four, Long Road Home"
Justice League: No Justice #1 (July 2018): "No Justice"
Justice League: No Justice #4 (July 2018): "New Justice"
Green Lanterns Annual #1 (July 2018): "The Lost Lantern"
Green Lanterns #48 (August 2018): "Rebel Run, Part One"
Green Lanterns #49 (August 2018): "Rebel Run, Part Two"
Green Lanterns #50 (September 2018): "Evil's Might, Part One"
Green Lanterns #51 (September 2018): "Evil's Might, Part Two"
Green Lanterns #52 (October 2018): "Evil's Might, Part Three"
Green Lanterns #53 (October 2018): "Evil's Might, Part Four"
Green Lanterns #54 (November 2018): "Evil's Might, Part Five"
Green Lanterns #55 (November 2018): "Evil's Might, Part Six"
Green Lanterns #56 (December 2018): "Evil's Might, Part Seven"
Green Lanterns #57 (December 2018): "Evil's Might, Conclusion"
Justice League Odyssey #1 (November 2018): "Ghost Sector, Part 1"
Justice League Odyssey #2 (December 2018): "Ghost Sector, Part 2"
Justice League Odyssey #3 (January 2019): "Ghost Sector, Part 3"
Justice League Odyssey #4 (February 2019): "Ghost Sector, Part 4"
Justice League Odyssey #5 (March 2019): "Ghost Sector, Part 5"
Justice League Odyssey #6 (April 2019): "Things Fall Apart"
Justice League Odyssey #7 (May 2019): "Death of the Dark"
Justice League Odyssey #8 (June 2019): "Four Against the Dark"
Justice League Odyssey #9 (July 2019): "Legacy"
Justice League Odyssey #10 (August 2019): "Here Be Monsters"
Justice League Odyssey #11 (September 2019): "Sepulkore"
Justice League Odyssey #12 (October 2019): "The Dark Arises"
Justice League Odyssey #13 (November 2019): "Summoned"
Justice League Odyssey #14 (December 2019): "Enemy of My Enemy"
Justice League Odyssey #15 (January 2020): "Dead Space"
Justice League Vol. 4 #36 (January 2020): "Justice/Doom War, Part 7"
Green Lantern: Blackstars #1 (January 2020): "Under The Sun At Midnight"
Green Lantern: Blackstars #2 (February 2020): "A Hole in the Sky"
Green Lantern: Blackstars #3 (March 2020): "The Heart of Emptiness"
Doomsday Clock #9 (May 2019): "Crisis"
Doomsday Clock #10 (July 2019): "Action"
Justice League Vol. 4 #43 (May 2020): Invasion of the Supermen, Conclusion: In the Balance"
Superman Vol. 5 #19 (March 2020): "The Truth, Part Two"
Superman: Heroes #1 (April 2020): "Heroes"
The Green Lantern Season Two #1 (April 2020): "Young Guardians"
Justice League Odyssey #16 (February 2020): "Lost and Found"
Justice League Odyssey #17 (March 2020): "God Against God"
Justice League Odyssey #18 (April 2020): "Friends Like These"
Justice League Odyssey #19 (May 2020): "Making History"
Justice League Odyssey #20 (June 2020): "Count Backward"
Justice League Odyssey #21 (August 2020): "Apokolips Always"
Justice League Odyssey #22 (September 2020): "The Last of the Space Rangers"
Justice League Odyssey #23 (October 2020): "Forever and for Always"
Justice League Odyssey #24 (November 2020): "History Is Written by the Victors"
Justice League Odyssey #25 (December 2020): "Last Stand"
Dark Nights: Death Metal Guidebook #1 (October 2020): "The Fall of Earth" [Flashback]
Dark Nights: Death Metal #3 (October 2020): "Death Metal - An Anti-Crisis, Part III: Pick Up Styx"
Dark Nights: Death Metal Multiverse's End #1 (November 2020): "Multiverse's End" [Flashback]
Dark Nights: Death Metal Multiverse's End #1 (November 2020): "Multiverse's End"
Dark Nights: Death Metal Rise of the New God #1/2 (December 2020): "The Weight of Leadership"
Dark Nights: Death Metal #6 (February 2021): "Death Metal - An Anti-Crisis, Part VI: The Truth Machine"
Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 (March 2021): "Death Metal - An Anti-Crisis, Part VII: A Slap in the Face"
Green Lantern Vol. 6 #1 (June 2021): "The Source of Peace"
Dark Crisis #1 (August 2022): "Dark Crisis, Chapter One: The Justice League is Dead"
Dark Crisis #2 (September 2022): "Dark Crisis, Chapter Two: Fall of the Titans"
Dark Crisis #3 (October 2022): "Dark Crisis, Chapter Three: Boot Camp"
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 (January 2023): "Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Chapter Six: Legacy War"
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 (February 2023): "Dawn of DC"
Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #2 (February 2023): "Graduation Day Chapter Two"
Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #4 (April 2023): "Graduation Day Chapter Four"
Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #5 (May 2023): "Graduation Day Chapter Five"
Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #6 (June 2023): "Graduation Day Conclusion"

ZZChronology unknown

Detective Comics #1027/10 (November 2020): "As Always"
Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1/9 (August 2020): "The Voice"
Green Lanterns #9 (December 2016): "The Phantom Lantern, Prologue" [Flashback]