Created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino

Gorilla Grodd.png
Gorilla Grodd


Gorilla Grodd first appeared in Flash Vol. 1 #106 (April-May 1959).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Gorilla Grodd in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Gorilla Grodd biography click here.

Gorilla Grodd Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Secret Origins Vol. 2 #40 (May 1989): "Gorilla in Our Midst"
DC Super-Stars #14 (May-June 1977): "G--As In Guardians, Green Lantern, and Gorilla Grodd" [Flashback]
Flash Vol. 1 #106 (April-May 1959): "Menace of the Super-Gorilla"
Flash Vol. 1 #107 (June-July 1959): "Return of the Super-Gorilla"
Flash Vol. 1 #108/2 (August-September 1959): "The Super-Gorilla's Secret Identity"
JLA: Year One #7 (July 1998): "The American Way" [Post-Crisis only]
Flash Vol. 1 #115 (September 1960): "The Day Flash Weighed 1000 Pounds"
Flash Vol. 1 #127 (March 1962): "The Reign of the Super-Gorilla"
Flash Vol. 1 #155 (September 1965): "The Gauntlet of Super-Villains"
Flash Vol. 1 #172 (August 1967): "Grodd Puts the Squeeze on Flash"
JLA: Incarnations #2 (August 2001): "Belonging" [Post-Crisis only]
Flash Vol. 1 #209 (September 1971): "Beyond the Speed of Life"
Action Comics #424 (June 1973): "Gorilla Grodd's Grandstand Play"
Action Comics #443 (January 1975): "At Last! Clark Kent, Super-Hero"
Super-Team Family #3 (February-March 1976): "The End of the World!"
Secret Society of Super-Villains #1 (May-June 1976): "Attend Or Die"
Secret Society of Super-Villains #2 (July-August 1976): "No Man Shall I Call Master!"
Secret Society of Super-Villains #3 (September-October 1976): "War for Earthdeath"
Secret Society of Super-Villains #4 (November-December 1976): "When Thieves Fall Out"
Secret Society of Super-Villains #8 (July-August 1977): "Let the Villain Fit the Crime"
Secret Society of Super-Villains #9 (September 1977): "Turnabout Is Unfair Play"
Super-Team Family #13 (October-November 1977): "Ragnarok Night"
Secret Society of Super-Villains #10 (October 1977): "Triumph and Treachery"
DC Special Series #6 (1977): "Death Times Five"
Super-Team Family #14 (December 1977-January 1978): "The End of the Quest"
Secret Society of Super-Villains #11 (December 1977): "A Changing of the Guard"
DC Special Series #11 (1978): "Beyond the Super-Speed Barrier"
Flash Vol. 1 #294 (February 1981): "The Fiend the World Forgot"
Flash Vol. 1 #295 (March 1981): "In Grodd We Trust"
Flash Vol. 1 #313 (September 1982): "Three-Way Fight for the Super-Simian"
Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew #20 (November 1983): "The Naked Ape"
Flash Vol. 1 #327 (November 1983): "Burnout"
Flash Vol. 1 #329 (January 1984): "What is the Sinister Secret of Simian and Son?"
Flash Vol. 1 #330 (February 1984): "Beware the Land of Grodd"
Flash Vol. 1 #331 (March 1984): "Dead Heat"
Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 (December 1985): "War Zone"
Blue Devil #30 (November 1986): "Too Many Rogues"
Swamp Thing Annual Vol. 2 #3 (1987): "Distant Cousins"
Secret Origins Vol. 2 #41 (June 1989): "A Rogue by Any Other Name"
Flash Vol. 2 #45 (December 1990): "Dog Days"
Flash Vol. 2 #46 (January 1991): "The Day of the Beast"
Flash Vol. 2 #47 (February 1991): "Old Dogs New Teeth"
Angel and the Ape Vol. 2 #2 (April 1991): "The Apes of Wrath"
Angel and the Ape Vol. 2 #3 (May 1991): "Family Feud"
Angel and the Ape Vol. 2 #4 (June 1991): "Monkey See - Monkey Doom"
Green Lantern Vol. 3 #30 (early October 1992): "Gorilla Warfare, Ch. 1: The Trouble With Gorillas"
Green Lantern Vol. 3 #31 (late October 1992): [Gorilla Warfare, Ch. 3] "Gone Ape"
Flash Vol. 2 #70 (November 1992): "Gorilla Warfare, Conclusion: Quite a Head on His Shoulders"
Underworld Unleashed #1 (November 1995): "Underworld Unleashed"
Catwoman Vol. 2 #27 (December 1995): "Groddspell"
Underworld Unleashed #3 (late December 1995): "Seduction of the Innocent"
Guy Gardner: Warrior #40 (March 1996): "Good Things Ain't Been Comin' In The Packages I've Been Gettin'!"
Supergirl Vol. 4 #3 (November 1996): "And No Dawn to Follow the Darkness"
Supergirl Vol. 4 #4 (December 1996): "Belly of the Beast"
Titans #6 (August 1999): "Heritage"
Titans #8 (October 1999): "Need For Speed, Part 2: Hitting the Wall"
Titans #9 (November 1999): "Limbo"
Titans #10 (December 1999): "The Immortal Coil, Part One"
Titans #11 (January 2000): "The Immortal Coil, Part Two"
Titans #12 (February 2000): "The Immortal Coil, Part Three"
Titans #14 (April 2000): "Chain of Command"
Birds of Prey #23 (November 2000): "The Hostage Heart, Part Two"
Birds of Prey #24 (December 2000): "The Hostage Heart, Part Three: Conclusion"
Birds of Prey #25 (January 2001): "Old Habits"
Flash Vol. 2 #178 (November 2001): "Caged"
JSA #34 (May 2002): "Stealing Thunder Part 2: Troublestruck"
JSA #35 (June 2002): "Stealing Thunder Part 3: Lightning Storm"
Flash Vol. 2 #191 (December 2002): "The Brave and the Beaten"
Flash Vol. 2 #192 (January 2003): "Run Riot, Part One: Awakened"
Flash Vol. 2 #193 (February 2003): "Run Riot, Part Two: On the Run"
Flash Vol. 2 #194 (March 2003): "Dead or Alive"
Outsiders Vol. 3 #1 (August 2003): "Role Call, Part One: Opening Offers"
Outsiders Vol. 3 #2 (September 2003): "Role Call, Part Two: Lawyers, Guns, and Monkeys"
Outsiders Vol. 3 #3 (October 2003): "Role Call, Part Three: The Joke's On You"
Superman/Batman #3 (December 2003): "The World's Finest Part Three: Running Wild"
Flash Vol. 2 #208 (May 2004): "Red Carpet"
Flash Vol. 2 #210 (July 2004): "Reconnected"
Flash Vol. 2 #211 (August 2004): "Animal House"
JLA: Classified #1 (January 2005): "Island of the Mighty"
JLA: Classified #2 (February 2005): "Master of Light"
JLA: Classified #3 (March 2005): "Seconds to Go"
Flash Vol. 2 #223 (August 2005): "Rogue War Chapter 4"
Flash Vol. 2 #224 (September 2005): "Rogue War Chapter 5"
Flash Vol. 2 #225 (October 2005): "Rogue War Conclusion"
Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1 (June 2006): "A Hero Dies But One"
All New Atom #5 (January 2007): "My Life in Miniature, Part Five: Redline Shift"
Justice League Wedding Special #1 (November 2007): "Unlimited, Chapter 1: Injustice League"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #13 (November 2007): "Unlimited, Chapter 2"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #14 (December 2007): "Unlimited, Chapter 3: Two Against Nature"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #15 (January 2008): "Unlimited, Chapter 4: Unleashed"
Salvation Run #3 (March 2008): "All You Need is Hate"
Salvation Run #4 (April 2008): "Life Is But A Nightmare"
Salvation Run #7 (July 2008): "We Gotta Get Out of This Planet"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #21 (July 2008): "The Gathering Crisis"
Final Crisis #1 (July 2008): "D.O.A.: The God of War!"
Shield #2 (December 2009): "Kicking Down the Door, Part 2: Alpha Dogs"
Shield #3 (January 2010): "Kicking Down the Door, Part 3: Hearts & Minds"
Action Comics #892 (October 2010): "The Black Ring, Part Three"
Action Comics #893 (November 2010): "The Black Ring, Part Four"

ZZChronology Uncertain

It is currently uncertain where these stories fit into the character's internal chronology.

Trinity #27/2 (February 2009 [December 3, 2008]): "Here and There and Everywhere" ???
Trinity #41 (May 2009 [March 11]): "Our Rightful Realm"