Created by Keith Giffen, Gerard Jones and Marshall Rodgers


General Glory first appeared in Justice League Europe #20 (November 1990).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of General Glory in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the General Glory (Joe Jones) biography click here.

General Glory Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Justice League America #48 (March 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 3] "The Last Giant Nazi Robot Story!" [Flashback]
Justice League Europe #20 (November 1990): "Rue Britannia" [Flashback; in between flashback in Justice League America #48, pages 14 and 15]
Justice League Quarterly #5 (Winter 1991): "Jillion Dollar Legs"
Justice League America #50 (May 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 5] "A Blaze of Glory!" [Flashback]
Justice League Quarterly #7 (Summer 1992): "If This Be Destiny...?"
Justice League America #46 (January 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 1] "Old Glory"
Justice League America #47 (February 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 2] "General Glory Fights Again!"
Justice League America #48 (March 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 3] "The Last Giant Nazi Robot Story!"
Justice League America #49 (April 1991): "Glory-Bound, Part 4: Glory and Shame"
Justice League America #50 (May 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 5] "A Blaze of Glory!"
Justice League Quarterly #3 (summer 1991): "When You Wish..."
Justice League America #52 (July 1991): "The Battle of the Month?"
Justice League America Annual #5 (1991): "Tomorrow's League Today!"
Justice League America #53 (August 1991): [Breakdowns Part 1] "Blown Away"
Justice League Europe #29 (August 1991): [Breakdowns Part 2] "Turning and Turning"
Justice League America #54 (September 1991): [Breakdowns Part 3] "The Boot!"
Justice League Europe #30 (September 1991): [Breakdowns Part 4] "The Widening Gyre"
Justice League America #55 (October 1991): "Breakdowns Part 5: Bialya Blues"
Justice League Europe Annual #2 (1991): "Too Much Time"
Justice League America #56 (November 1991): [Breakdowns Part 7] "Look Homeward Leaguers"
Justice League Europe #32 (November 1991): "Breakdowns Part 8: The Center Cannot Hold"
Justice League America #57 (December 1991): [Breakdowns Part 9] "The Descent of... Despero"
Justice League Europe #33 (December 1991): "Breakdowns Part 10: Mere Anarchy"
Justice League America #58 (January 1992): "Breakdowns Part 11: Mayhem"
Justice League Europe #34 (January 1992): "Breakdowns Part 12: Blood-Dimmed Tide"
Justice League America #59 (February 1992): "Breakdowns Part 13: Ex-Factor"
Justice League Europe #35 (February 1992): "Breakdowns Part 14: The Ceremony of Innocence"
Justice League America #60 (March 1992): [Breakdowns Part 15] "Swansong"
Justice League Quarterly #6/2 (spring 1992): "Fighting Trim"
Guy Gardner Reborn #1 (1992): [Book One] [Flashback]
Guy Gardner #1 (October 1992): "A New Guy In Town"
Guy Gardner #2 (November 1992): "What's a Guy to Do?"
Guy Gardner #4 (January 1993): "Golden Boy"
Justice League Europe #47 (February 1993): "Red Winter 3: Blizzard"
Justice League Europe #48 (March 1993): "Red Winter 4: The Freeze"
Justice League Europe #49 (April 1993): "Red Winter 5: Hard Ground"
Justice League Europe #50 (May 1993): "Red Winter 6: The Ice Breaks"
Guy Gardner #11 (August 1993): "Yesterday's Sins, 1 of 4: Back in the Days"
Guy Gardner #16 (January 1994): "Total Warfare"
Guy Gardner: Warrior #18 (March 1994): "Emerald Fallout, Part 1: Something Borrowed"
Justice League Task Force #13 (June 1994): "Judgment Day, Part 2: Split Decision"
Justice League International Vol. 2 #65 (June 1994): [Judgment Day, Part 3] "A Whole New Ball Game"
Justice League Quarterly #16 (fall 1994): "Visions of Glory"

ZZChronology Uncertain

It is currently uncertain where these stories fit into the character's internal chronology.

Booster Gold Vol. 2 #38 (January 2011): "Glory Days"
Justice League Quarterly #4/2 (fall 1991): "Cracked Ice"
War of the Gods #4 (December 1991): "In the Beginning... There Was the End"