Created by Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen


Full Name: Defense Operation Cybertronic
Space Sector: 2828
Place of Death: Voorl
Base of Operation: Mobile
Group Affiliation (current): Omega Men
First Appearance: Convergence: Batman and Robin #2/2 (July 2015)
First Appearance (historical): Omega Men #3 (June 1983)
Creators: Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen


Doc or D.O.C. is a Defense Operation Cybertronics Unit. D.O.C. Units are robots created by the Citadel to carry out missions that caused emotional complications in Citadel soldiers. Doc was one of many units assigned to clear the planet Voorl of all sentient life. After the population of Voorl, lives, had been extinguished the Minister of Karna gave Doc a new assignment to clean up the mess and bury all the bodies. From this time onward he was to treat the Voorlians as if they were his own family.
While cleaning up Doc came across the girl that would later be known as Scrapps and began caring for her as if she was his own. When Scrapps later joined the Omega Men, Doc too became a member. Doc would eventually sacrifice himself when he blew himself and the planet Voorl up in order to deprive the Citadel of their source of the metal known as Stellarium.


For a definitive list of appearances of Doc in chronological order click here