Created by Cary Bates and Irv Novick


Occupation: Career criminal
Citizenship: American
Base of Operation: Central City
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: Flash #270 (February 1979): "A Fast Way to Die!"
Creators: Cary Bates and Irv Novick


Since his early teens, Clive Yorkin had been building a criminal record. Finally, after being convicted of two counts of second degree murder and armed robbery, Yorkin was sentenced to life imprisonment in the state penitentiary outside Central City. When a full pardon was offered to the inmates if they would undergo a new aversion therapy created by Professor Gilbert Nephron, only Yorkin accepted.

-Flash #270

The therapy had unexpected effects as Nephron pushed onwards, regardless of the well-being of his test subject. Nephron did not realize that the diagnosed dyslexia also indicated Yorkin's brain was reversing the intended effects of the process; anti-social behavior was pleasurable while good behavior was painful. -#278

Yorkin is currently incarcerated in Iron Heights. - Flash Vol. 2 #209


The Nephron process gave Yorkin great strength and stamina. He also had the ability to match the superspeed vibrations of the Flash. A later power developed which enabled Yorkin to induce fear in a victim and drain off their life force. The victim would feel weakness and turn blue in mere moments.


For a definitive list of appearances of Clive Yorkin in chronological order click here