Unofficial Action Comics Index |
Cover Date: January 1962
Cover Price: $.12
Publication Date: 1961-11-30
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Cover Credits:
Pencils: Curt Swan
Inks: Sheldon Moldoff
Story | Robert Bernstein |
Pencils | Curt Swan |
Inks | George Klein |
Lettering | Joe Letterese |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (last in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #58/3; next in Superman Vol. 1 #151)
Guest Star(s):
- Krypto (last in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #58; next in Action Comics #278/2)
- Mon-El (ast in Adventure Comics #293; next in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #33)
- Supergirl (last in Superman Vol. 1 #150; next in Action Comics #278/2)
Supporting Character(s):
- Perry White (last in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #58/3; next in Superman Vol. 1 #151)
- Phantom Zone Prisoners
- Jax-Ur (last in New Adventures of Superboy #9; next in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #33)
- Professor Vakox (first appearance; also in flashback to origin; last appearance in Superboy Vol. 1 #162; next in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #33)
- Space Sector 2813
- Krypton (in flashback)
- Lurvan
- Great Krypton Lake (first appearance)
- Lurvan
- Krypton (in flashback)
- Space Sector 2814
Story Reprinted in:
- Superman Vol. 1 #212 (December 1968)
- Showcase Presents Superman #3 (April 2007)
- “THE BABE OF STEEL.” Clark Kent has been sent out to do a report on a medium who can contact people from beyond the grave!
Story | Robert Bernstein |
Art | Jim Mooney |
Lettering | Milt Snapinn |
Editing | Julius Schwartz |
Feature Character(s):
Guest Star(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- aliens buried in the "Valley of the Hands" (first appearance of all)
Other Character(s):
- Lenora Lemaris (first appearance; sister of Lori Lemaris)
Cameo Appearance(s):
- Krypto (hallucination)
- Supergirl is still experiencing the effects of red kryptonite exposure from the previous issue, temporarily gaining a second head, having a hallucination that she has "fatal-vision," which kills anything she looks at and finally temporarily becoming a mermaid.
- This story is continued from the previous issue and continues in the next issue.
Story Reprinted in:
- Action Comics #360 (March-April 1968)
- Supergirl Archives #2 ([December] 2003)
- Showcase Presents: Supergirl #2 ([December] 2008)
- Supergirl: The Silver Age Omnibus #1 ([June] 2016)
- Supergirl: The Silver Age #1 (2017)
- In “THE STRANGE BODIES OF SUPERGIRL!” Supergirl experiences effects from red Kryptonite by growing an extra head!