Created by Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp |
Occupation: Green Lantern
Status: Deceased
Space Sector: 42
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Hair: None
First Appearance: The Green Lantern Season Two #6 (October 2020)
Creators: Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp
Zzoz whatz ifz he'zz organicz, Jordanz zzavedz myz homeworldz! - Zui-Zoon Quote taken from The Green Lantern Season Two #6 |
- Zui-Zoon was a mechanized lifeform, the Green Lantern of an unidentified world in Space Sector 42. At some point, Green Lantern Hal Jordan of Earth, Sector 2814, saved Zoon's homeworld, earning respect and admiration.
- Some time later, Jordan was critically injured in a battle with Hyperman and taken to Sector General for recovery. Zui-Zoon was one of five Lanterns in the orbital facility to visit their comrade when they came under attack. Lanterns Brokk, Lashorr and two other Lanterns were presumably killed, while Zui-Zoon's died soon after, his power ring was off to find a replacement when its orders were overridden by Jordan, who briefly wielded Zui-Zoon's ring to battle members of the Anti-Matter Lantern Corps.
As a Green Lantern, Zui-Zoon possessed a power ring and power battery.
For a definitive list of appearances of Zui-Zoon in chronological order click here