Unofficial Wonder Woman Index |

Cover Date: March-April 1949
Cover Price: $.10
Publication Date: 1948-01-24
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Cover Credits:
Pencils: Irwin Hasen
Inks: Bernard Sachs
"The Phantasms of Deception"
"Chapter III The Mystery of the Rhyming Riddle!"
Story | Robert Kanigher |
Art | Harry G. Peter |
Lettering | Mechanical |
Editing | Robert Kanigher |
Feature Character(s):
- Wonder Woman (also travels in time to prehistoric times and to 1588)
Supporting Character(s):
- Col. Steve Trevor (also travels in time to prehistoric times and to 1588)
- Paula Von Gunther
- Athena
- Aphrodite
- Etta Candy
- Mars
- Duke of Deception (disguises himself as Paula and Etta; last in Comic Cavalcade #26; next in Sensation Comics #92)
- Count Conquest
- Earl of Greed
Other Character(s):
- Professor Zool
- The lettering in this story is done with an Ames Lettering Guide, probably by Peter, but this is not confirmed.