Created by William Moulton Marston & Harry G. Peter after Norse legends

Gudra the Valkyrie; Art by Michael Bair, Brian Murray and Malcolm Jones III
The Original Universe


Status: Active
Current Members: Gundra/Gudra,
Occupation: Choosers of the slain, shield maidens, messagers
Base of Operation: Valhalla (the warriors' heaven in Asgard)
First Appearance: Comic Cavalcade #17 (October-November 1946)
Creators: William Moulton Marston & Harry G. Peter after Norse legends

”She was a glorious sight to behold, yet never had I been confronted with a more terrifying spectacle.” – Arak - Arak, Son of Thunder #46 (July 1985)


In Norse mythology, Valkyries are female warriors on winged steeds who choose which deserving warriors are taken up into Valhalla, the warriors' heaven. Over the years, some of them have meddled in human affairs.


Member First Appearance Joined Status Note
Gundra/Gudra DC Special #29 DC Special #29 Active Sometimes referred to as the Queen of Valkyries
Fey All-Out War #1 All-Out War #1 Unknown  
Valkyrior Our Army at War #162 Our Army at War #162 Unknown  


In Norse/Teutonic mythology, the Valkyries are the choosers of the slain; shield maidens who transport fallen warriors to their just reward in Odin’s Valhalla on winged steeds. These brave dead men are then added to the mighty army Odin amasses for the end battle of Ragnarök.

The Valkyries are the special servants of Odin. They serve as Odin’s messengers, and their journeys were associated with the atmospheric phenomenon Aurora Borealis (the Northern Lights).

Over the years, some of the Valkyries have meddled in human affairs, most notably Valkyrior who fell in love with Jon the Viking Prince, Fey who shadowed Valoric the Viking Commando, and finally Gudra who served as a super-powered agent of Hitler during World War II. During the war, several members of the Norse pantheon were summoned and enchanted by the enchanted Spear of Destiny wielded by Hitler at the time, so several Valkyries took part in the attacks on America and its defenders, the All-Star Squadron.

Nameless Valkyries have also encountered heroes such as the shaman warrior Arak, Superman and Wonder Woman. Because worship of the Norse gods has practically died out, the Valkyries are rarely seen today.


Valkyries rode flying horses (sometimes depicted as winged horses), wore battle armor and were armed with spears and/or swords. They were skilled warriors, possessed superhuman strength and some of them even had the power to turn invisible. Their main task was to collect the souls from dead or dying warriors, so they had the power to somehow extract souls.


For a definitive list of appearances of Valkyries in chronological order click here