 TSUNAMI (Miya Shimada Perkins)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Roy Thomas and Rick Hoberg

Tsunami (Miya Shimada).png
Tsunami (Miya Shimada)


Real Name: Miya Shimada Perkins
Status: Retired?
Place of Birth: Santa Barbara, CA
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Divorced, later widowed
Known Relatives: Kinzo Shimada (father); Michi Shimada (mother); Toshiko Shimada (brother); unnamed brother; Neptune Perkins (ex-husband; deceased); Debbie Perkins (daughter)
Base of Operation: West Coast, later Hawaii and Washington DC
Group Affiliation(s): Samurai Squad (former); Axis Amerika (former); All-Star Squadron (Young All-Stars)
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 121 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance: All-Star Squadron #33 (May 1984): "The Battle of Santa Barbara -- Times Two"
Creators: Roy Thomas and Rick Hoberg


Miya Shimada was born in the United States of Japanese immigrant parents, and sent back to Japan for her formal education, as was the custom among many Japanese-Americans before World War II. While there, she was taken under the wing of a group of Japanese scientists, who changed her physiology trying to create an ultimate Japanese warrior.

After the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor, Miya, now codenamed "Tsunami" (Japanese for "great wave"), used her abilities to aid in the attack on the American mainland in February, 1942. Shown the error of her ways by another aquatic hero, Neptune Perkins, she left the Japanese Imperial Navy and remained at first neutral, but then discovering that her family had been interred at a concentration camp joined with the other young members of the Young All-Stars to change the belief that ALL Japanese-Americans were spies and saboteurs.

Battling prejudice within and without, Tsunami aided the Allied war effort at least until mid-1942. At some point later, she wed her friend Neptune Perkins.

Until recently, she believed that Neptune Perkins was the father of their daughter, Deborah, but it was discovered that the biological father was Atlan, a mystical enemy from earlier in their careers. The Perkins split up over this discovery.


Tsunami was given, through unknown means, the ability to breathe and communicate underwater, and to telekinetically direct great streams of water in any direction she chose. It is easier to direct the water in the direction of its current movement.

Tsunami has not aged since the 1940’s; whether this is a side effect of her abilities is not known at this time.


For a definitive list of appearances of Tsunami in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #24 (February 1987)