Created by France Herron and Bob Brown


Real Name: Martin Ryan
Aliases: Tino Ryan
Identity: Public
Occupation: Former rock singer, former Challenger of the Unknown
Status: Retired
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Matthew Ryan (brother)
Base of Operation: Challengers Mountain
Group Affiliation(s): Challengers of the Unknown (former)
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Challengers of the Unknown #55 (April-May 1967)
Creators: France Herron and Bob Brown


Martin Ryan ("Tino Mannary" is just his stage name) is the teen brother of Red Ryan of the Challengers of the Unknown. A popular rock star and gifted "techno whiz", Tino first encountered the Challengers when his brother Red was believed dead. Initially trying to get revenge on the Challengers by arranging high-tech death-traps to kill them, Tino eventually befriended the team, becoming a close associate and a valuable asset to them until the time his brother "returned from the dead".


For a definitive list of appearances of Tino Mannary in chronological order click here