Created by Jerry Prosser and Warren Pleece

Tattooed Man (John Oakes).png
Tattooed Man; Art by Warren Pleece


Real Name: John Oakes
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Base of Operation: San Francisco, California
Group Affiliation(s): None
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Skin Graft: The Adventures of a Tattooed Man #1 (July 1993)
Creators: Jerry Prosser and Warren Pleece


A cellmate of Abel Tarrant, the super-villain known as the Tattooed Man, John Oakes learned the art of tattoo - with a supernatural edge - from his fellow prisoner.

After being released from jail, Oakes learned that his strange tattoos were a curse as well as a blessing as his tattoos now opened arcane 'doors' and could involuntarily trap people as 'tattoos' on his own body. Further studying under the Irezumi master Kobo in Kyoto, Oakes learned to control his strange abilities, and finally defeated both Tarrant and the 'tattoo killer' Mizoguchi Kenji by absorbing them. However, Oakes' beloved Yuko died in the battle as well, which prompted him to make her part of his own self.


For a definitive list of appearances of Tattooed Man in chronological order click here