Unofficial Superman Index |
Cover Date: July 1984
Cover Price: $0.75
Publication Date: 1984-03-20
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Cover Credits:
Art: Eduardo Barreto (signed)
Colors: Anthony Tollin
Story | Paul Kupperberg |
Art | Eduardo Barreto |
Colors | Gene D'Angelo |
Lettering | Ben Oda |
Consulting editing | E. Nelson Bridwell |
Editing | Julius Schwartz |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (last in DC Comics Presents #71; next in Supergirl Vol. 2 #21)
Supporting Character(s):
- Josh Coyle (last in DC Comics Presents #71; next in Action Comics #557)
- Lana Lang (last in DC Comics Presents #71; next in Action Comics #557)
- Kryptonite Man II (first appearance; also in flashback to origin; next in Supergirl Vol. 2 #21)
- Seeders (first appearance; an alien race)
- Lord Sed (first appearance; next in Supergirl Vol. 2 #21)
- Commander Dun (first appearance; next in Supergirl Vol. 2 #21)
- other unidentified Seeders (first appearance of all)
- the Kymu (first appearance; an alien race that had fought Superman in an earlier undocumented adventure; only spacecraft seen)
Other Character(s):
- Tom Payton (first appearance; a WGBS reporter)
- other WGBS employees
- citizens of Metropolis
Cameo Appearance(s):
- inhabitants of Ny'l'uyl (first appearance; in flashback; an alien race that had inhabited Krypton - known to them as Ny'l'uyl - before Kryptonians)
- Space Sector 2813
- Krypton (in flashbacks)
- Space Sector 2814
- Unidentified Space Sector
- deep space
- This story continues in Supergirl Vol. 2 #21.