Created by Peter J. Tomasi and Chris Batista



Occupation: Green Lantern 2251.2
Status: Deceased
Space Sector: 2251
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Sector Partner: Kruul (deceased)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: None
First Appearance: Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #12 (September 2011): "The Beast"
Creators: Peter J. Tomasi and Chris Batista


Squillic was partnered with Lantern Kruul, and both had been reprimanded for excessive use of force. While this was not something to be proud of in the eyes of Salakk, it was just what Honor Guard Lantern Guy Gardner was looking for. Both Lanterns were hand-picked for Gardner's mission. Their target was an ancient foe of the Corps called the Gigorr.

Planning to confront the Gigorr near a Sector House, they soon came under attack by the beast, as Lantern Squillic was swallowed whole. Squillic and approximately fifty Lanterns before him was quickly absorbed into the Gigorr's stomach lining as the beast fed upon their power ring energies. Kruul and Lantern Artois were next to be caught. Gardner and Lantern Theodoric were unable to save their fellow Lanterns as separation from the Gigorr was fatal. They incinerated the beast from within, forever ending the threat. The power rings of the deceased Lanterns were now free to seek out their successors. -Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #12

A fallen Lantern, Squillic will be memorialized in the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps on Oa.


As a Green Lantern, Squillic possessed a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Squillic in chronological order click here