 R.A.M. (Takeo Yakata)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Steve Englehart, Joe Staton and Ian Gibson

R.A.M. (Takeo Yakata).png
R.A.M. (Takeo Yakata)


Real Name: Takeo Yakata
Occupation: Chairman of Yakata, Inc.
Status: Deceased
Citizenship: Japanese
Group Affiliation(s): New Guardians
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: (as Takeo): Black; (as R.A.M.): None
First Appearance: (as Takeo Yakata): Millennium #2 (January 1988): "Under"
(as R.A.M.): Millennium #8 (February 1988): "The Rising and Advancing of Ten Spirits"
Creators: Steve Englehart, Joe Staton and Ian Gibson


Takeo Yakata was one of the 'Chosen', humans who would ascend to the next level of evolution. He became a member of the New Guardians, becoming a cyber-being with the ability to become part of any computer-net on Earth. He was reportedly killed in Roulette's House.


For a definitive list of appearances of R.A.M. in chronological order click here