Created by Tony Bedard and Daniel HDR


Occupation: Police officer; Green Lantern
Status: Active
Homeworld: Calados
Space Sector: 282
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Sector Partner: None currently
Gender: Female
Eyes: Lavender
Hair: Purple
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #61 (August 2011): "Beware My Power"
Creators: Tony Bedard and Daniel HDR


A police officer pinned down in a drug bust gone bad, Qurina Vint of Calados would have likely died had it not been for the timely arrival of a Green Lantern power ring. The ring had been sent by Lantern Mogo, who was controlled by the renegade Guardian Krona at the time. The Lanterns chosen all fell under the contol of Krona as well, many attacking anyone near them before making their way to Oa.

After Krona was defeated, the hundreds of now freed rookie Lanterns returned their rings and awaited transport to their homeworlds. Qurina however wished to prove she was worthy of the Green Lantern Corps. She sought out Lantern John Stewart for advice, as he too was now an outsider in the Corps for killing Mogo during the War of the Green Lanterns.

As the only Lantern at the time serving Sector 282, Qurina responded to an emergency on the conjoined world Vorrin-Tog. Tensions between the natives of both planets led to hostilities, which would quickly lead to all-out world war. The intervention of Sector 282 Lantern Qurina and Honor Guard Lantern John Stewart prevented further conflict. -Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #61


As a Green Lantern, Qurina Vint possesses a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Qurina Vint in chronological order click here