Created by Joe Simon and Jerry Grandenetti


Real Name: Prez Rickard
Citizenship: American
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
First Appearance: Prez #1 (August-September 1973): "Oh Say Does that Star Spangled Banner Yet Wave?"
(First DCU Appearance): Sandman Vol. 2 #54 (October 1993)
Creators: Joe Simon and Jerry Grandenetti


Although he never actually existed in this world, the legend of Prez, the Teen President, lives on. It is possible that Prez is from an alternate timeline, or that he exists as an idea or a dream rather than a living creature. According to the legend, Prez Rickard grew up in the small American town of Steadfast, famous for its clocks. His name came from his parents' wish for him to one day become the President of the United States, and due to a Congress decision allowing 18-year olds to vote, that happened sooner than anyone had expected.

Prez succeeded Richard Nixon and, although somewhat naive at first, grew into his role as president, ruling with wisdom and non-military ideals. He made his Native American friend Eagle Free the director of the FBI, he renamed Air Force One to "the FreeBee", he protected America from threats such as the greedy Boss Smiley and the rightwing Minutemen, and he ended the Cold War with his pacifism. Being the most popular president for ages, there was allegedly nothing that Prez could not do. Then came the day when Prez' girlfriend was tragically killed by a mentally disturbed teen girl, who wanted to impress her idol, the masked boxing champ Ted Grant. Prez never recovered from that incident, keeping out of the spotlight until disappearing altogether.

This story was told by a traveler at one of the so-called "Inns Between Worlds". A devotee of Prez' teachings, the traveler had visited many Earths in hope to one day finding the fabled Teen President.

Still another legend tells of Prez's son, Prez, Jr., searching for his father during the grunge days of the 1990s.


For a definitive list of appearances of Prez in chronological order click here