Created by Roger Stern and Tom Lyle

The Original Universe


Status: Defunct
Former Members:
First Appearance: Starman Vol. 1 #3 (November 1988): "Lone Star Takedown"
Creators: Roger Stern and Tom Lyle


Six people organized by scientist Harold Melrose in an attempt to create a team of "red-blooded American heroes". The Stellar-5 satellite would focus a beam of solar radiation on the sextet and transform them into metahumans, but an accident redirected it to a man named Will Payton. Although deprived of the beam's full effects, the team developed a variety of lesser abilities and became known as the Power Elite.

Members included Dennis Blake (emitted concussion blasts), Frank Donovan (plasma flame), Stanley Hale (levitation powers), Olivia Hardy (super-strength), Samantha Morgan (shape-shifter) and David Winters (radiation bolts).

Some of the Elite's members (notably Frank, Stan, and Olivia) objected against being involved in illegal activities, but Melrose duped them into doing as he wished. Deducing that Payton - now Starman (V) - had received their powers, Melrose ordered his Elite to capture the hero. Starman fought the Elite time and again, until a final battle when Winters and Blake were killed, and the non-criminal Elite members turned against Melrose. Melrose eventually allied himself with another paranoid fringe group, who killed him when his vendetta against Starman wrecked their plans. The current whereabouts of the rest of the members are unknown.

Later, it was revealed that Payton's powers did not come from the Stellar-5 Satellite, but from the essence of Prince Gayvyn, a former Starman. Which means that the Elite's hunt for Starman was in vain.


For a definitive list of appearances of Power Elite in chronological order click here