Created by Len Wein and Bill Willingham |
Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Qualar IV
Space Sector: 2234
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Sector Partner: El'Qa Sqa Zreenah
Gender: Male
Hair: Reddish brown (Feathers)
First Appearance: Green Lantern Annual Vol. 3 #5 (1996): "Nobler in the Mind"
Creators: Len Wein and Bill Willingham
In deep space, Green Lantern El'Qa Sqa Zreenah had been hit by the solar weaponry of the warlike Statejians. Believing he was mortally injured, the Green Lantern retreated to the nearest inhabited planet, Qualar IV.
The Green Lantern ordered his ring to go among the inhabitants of Qualar IV and find someone completely without fear. The ring scanned one candidate, but upon contact with the emerald light the native of Qualar fainted dead away. Each native of Qualar IV it touched passed out as the emerald beam played across the planet.
Everyone on Qualar IV was a coward, and the ring had found just one candidate who was without fear, but it had rejected this being. Time being short, El'Qa Sqa Zreenah ordered the ring to bring him the potential Green Lantern.
It was shortly before lunchtime when Perdoo of Qualar IV was taken by an emerald light to the side of the injured Green Lantern.
Perdoo was more impressed with the garden the Green Lantern had fallen into than the Green Lantern himself. He had little interest in El'Qa Sqa Zreenah's story, the insect-like flitterbys caught his attention instead.
The Green Lantern gave a gift to Perdoo, his glowing green ring. Perdoo thought the ring was nice, but the costume was a bit dull. He experimented a bit and found a costume he liked. El'Qa Sqa Zreenah had taken the liberty of instilling the Green Lantern oath in Perdoo's mind, but the new Green Lantern could not sort out the words. Perdoo bandaged and comforted the stranger from the sky before he too flew off to face the Statejians.
Outer space astounded Perdoo. His power ring kept him from danger as an asteroid hit him. Perdoo was surprised to find a new species of flitterby, much larger and more powerful than any flitterbys on Qualar IV.
Wielding the power ring, Perdoo was able to take a closer look at the flitterbys. Unfortunately, the flitterbys did not like to be handled. A number of them stung the curious creature from Qualar IV. Perdoo's ring-created magnifying glass was destroyed and part of his costume was burned away.
Apologies were not forthcoming so Perdoo flew among the swarming flitterbys. He dodged their stings and tricked the flitterbys into stinging each other. Four of the flitterbys instantly molted, the remaining flitterbys flew off into space.
Perdoo returned to Qualar IV where he found El'Qa Sqa Zreenah was waiting. The visitor from another world was recovering from his injuries. The fallen Green Lantern explained the space flitterbys were actually the ships of the dreaded Statejians. Perdoo had driven off one of the greatest threats in the universe. El'Qa Sqa Zreenah offered to let Perdoo keep the power ring, but Perdoo was not interested. He wanted to return home.
El'Qa Sqa Zreenah followed Perdoo's wishes and brought him back to more familiar surroundings. Two attendants were waiting for Perdoo and helped him into his restraint jacket. They took Perdoo back inside the facility walls to serve him a nice hot lunch.
As the Green Lantern returned to space, he realized the only being on Qualar IV totally without fear was also totally out of his mind.
Perdoo would later rejoin the Green Lantern Corps, this time as El'Qa Sqa Zreenah's sector partner. They were seen in the Sinestro Corps War battling a Sinestro Corps Soldier of Qualar IV and another Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 2234, believed to be of El'Qa Sqa's species. - Green Lantern Vol. 4 #22
Perdoo was most recently seen with the majority of the Green Lantern Corps under the thrall of Krona. -Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #8
As a Green Lantern, Perdoo possesses a power ring and a power battery.
For a definitive list of appearances of Perdoo in chronological order click here (1996-2011) and here (2011-present)
Green Lantern Annual #5 was part of DC's 1996 Annuals, featuring "Legends of the Dead Earth". The production on the annual was phenomenal, the artwork jumped off the page. Bill Willingham did a great job designing Perdoo.
In case you missed the joke, Perdoo was named after the chicken retailer Frank Perdue.