Created by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson


Real Name: Gregori Arcane
Identity: Secret
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: Anise Arcane (wife, deceased); William Arcane (son); Abby Cable (daughter); Tefé Holland (granddaughter); Josip Arcane (father); Anaiis Arcane (mother); Aniela Arcane (sister); Anton Arcane (brother); Hans von Hammer (second cousin by marriage)
Base of Operation: Mobile
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 8"
Weight: 330 lbs.
Eyes: Blue (only one)
Hair: Greyish-black
First Appearance: Swamp Thing Vol. 1 #2 (December 1972-January 1973)
Creators: Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson


Gregori Arcane was born in Eastern Europe shortly before the second World War. As an adult, he became a prominent businessman, raising his motherless daughter Abby on his own. But the neighbors of his small village found Gregori an unsuitable father since he was often traveling around the world in business matters. Upon returning from such a trip, Gregori found his daughter gone, taken by the authorities. Searching for her, he accidentally walked into an old World War II minefield and was killed in an explosion. However, his brother Anton, a master of the arcane arts, gathered the pieces of Gregori’s body and re-created him as a modern-day Frankenstein’s Monster - a "Patchwork Man" of decaying body parts.

Upon awakening and realizing the truth, Gregori had a fit of rage and was imprisoned in Anton's castle until being freed years later, during a battle between Anton and the Swamp Thing. In time, the Patchwork Man found his now grown-up daughter, but his dim mind could not fathom the fact that she didn’t recognize him, and he only succeeded in endangering her life. Finally, as Abby dangled above a chasm, the Patchwork Man sacrificed himself for her.

Miraculously, Gregori survived his fall. He was later captured by a Dr. Elijah Chomes, who brought him to the USA, but was unable to keep him in his clutches. The Patchwork Man aimlessly wandered through America until he found a newspaper which told of his daughter's arrest in Louisiana. He made his way to the swamps, and actually found his daughter, only moments before his decomposing body totally fell apart. Ashamed of his appearance, the Patchwork Man fled Abby. She later found the remains of his body, but not his head.


For a definitive list of appearances of Patchwork Man in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #17 (July 1986)

Who's Who in the DC Universe #10 (June 1991)