Created by Peter Milligan and Chas Truog


Gender: Male
First Appearance: Animal Man #28 (October 1990): "The Naked Afternoon Snack"
Creators: Peter Milligan and Chas Truog


A superhero of an alternate timeline, the Nowhere Man is a mutant whose body and mind are "molecularly displaced", which makes him look like something out of a cubist painting and speak like a Dadaist. He started a career as a superhero and porn star together with fellow freaks Front Page and Notional Man, but later took away with all their money.

Eventually, the CIA approached Nowhere Man to protect this Earth's President Eagleton from the mutant kids known as the Angel Mob. In this mission, Nowhere Man teamed up with and befriended Animal Man, who had accidentally crossed over to this timeline. Animal Man and Nowhere Man defeated the Angel Mob, but then regretted leaving them in the hands of the corrupt government. Even so, Lucinda of the Mob cured Nowhere Man's confused mind. Eventually, the two friends found a way for Animal Man to return to his world. The subsequent fate of Nowhere Man and his timeline are unknown.


For a definitive list of appearances of Nowhere Man in chronological order click here