Created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino


Homeworld: Unknown world in the Myrmiton Star Cluster
Space Sector: Unidentified
Height: approx 6'
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: blue
Hair: None
First Appearance: Flash #131 (September 1962): "Captives of the Cosmic Ray!"
Creators: John Broome and Carmine Infantino


An aggressive alien race from the seven sun Myrmiton Star Cluster, the Myrmitons claimed they had mastered all forms of cosmic radiation. Their advanced technology enabled them to cross space in an attempt to conquer Earth.

The Myrmitons had studied Earth and knew two of Earth's super-heroes, the Flash and Green Lantern, would try to halt their invasion plans. To prevent this from occurring, one of their spacecraft was sent ahead to draw the attention of the two heroes. The spacecraft flew towards Coast City and as planned, the heroes investigated. The Myrmitons were able to capture the Flash in a yellow ray. The spacecraft took off at light speed with Green Lantern in close pursuit. It arrived on an unnamed world and dropped off the Flash before accelerating once more. Green Lantern managed to catch it and force it down. He found the spacecraft was run by automatic pilot and had no occupants.

The Flash tried to follow the spacecraft as well but was engulfed by a freak snowstorm. A snow creature tried to grab the Scarlet Speedster in its icy embrace, only to find itself dispersed by the Flash's super-speed vibrations. The snowstorm vanished as easily as it began, leaving the Flash to fight off an energy projection that threatened to destroy him. Green Lantern had found himself on the defensive as well. The gravity around the ring wielder increased on hundred fold, pinning him in the path of a river of molten metal. Green Lantern managed to pull himself out of the way at the last possible instant. The heroes got back together only to be grabbed by a mountain come to life. Using their respective powers, Flash and Green Lantern were able to destroy the mountain and depart the alien world.

While Flash and Green Lantern were occupied off world, the Myrmitons had successfully invaded Earth. They forbade all motor vehicles, concerned humans might somehow use them against their forces. Only the Myrmitons were allowed to drive cars through the cities. A massive robot, towering thousands of feet over the tallest building, stood guard over Coast City. The Myrmitons warned the heroes they would end all human life with a wave of deadly cosmic radiation if the heroes did not immediately surrender.

The Myrmitons believed they were victorious when Green Lantern gave up his power ring and the Flash sacrificed his super-speed powers but they soon realized they were tricked. The Flash had used his incredible speed to replace Green Lantern's power ring with a replica as well as place a department store mannequin of himself in the path of the Myrmitons' speed-sapping ray.

The Flash then used Green Lantern's power ring to communicate his plan to his fellow hero. The Myrmitons thought themselves secure in their Earth headquarters when they were attacked by the Flash and Green Lantern. The two heroes were caught in a forcefield and blasted with cosmic rays.

Unfortunately for the Myrmitons, the Flash and Green Lantern had used the department store mannequins as a diversion while they tunneled under the Myrmiton forcefield. The alien invaders' plans were soon thwarted and most of the Myrmitons were returned to their homeworld. A number of Myrmitons were kept on Earth as prisoners for a short period until Earth was convinced the Myrmitons were no longer a threat. - Flash #131

Years later, a trio of Myrmitons returned to Earth to seek revenge, targeting the Flash. They used their advanced technology to develop "a simulated bionic pellet for the self-preservation of artificial life" called Bio-X. It was an android programmed to mimic the growth and maturation of a human male but at an accelerated rate. In twelve hours it would grow from the fundamental pre-natal stages to old age. At the end of the twelve hours it would "die" and take the Earth with it in a massive explosion.

The Myrmitons revealed this to Kid Flash before teleporting Bio-X to somewhere in Central City, who warned the Flash. The two speedsters scoured Central City, catching up to Bio-X as a "young boy." Their efforts were complicated as Bio-X appeared to have superspeed as well. The android weapon grew from a child to an adult before losing the Flashes in Central City.

Nearing the end of the twelve hours, the Flashes managed to get close to Bio-X by appearing in their secret identities as Barry Allen and Wally West. They had correctly surmised Bio-X was drawing upon their superspeed to use for himself. Bio-X proved impervious to a blast of molten magma but in the last ten seconds the Flash realized he could use cryogenic equipment from a nearby lab to freeze Bio-X one second before detonation.

Bio-X and the Myrmitons have not been seen again. - Flash Vol. 1 #232


For a definitive list of appearances of The Myrmitons in chronological order click here


Flash Vol. 1 #131 was the second Green Lantern-Flash team-up, following the June 1962 Green Lantern Vol. 2 #13 "Duel of the Super-Heroes." The next meeting would be in April 1963 with Green Lantern Vol. 2 #20, "Parasite Planet Peril."