Created by Joe Kelly, Doug Mahnke, Yvel Guichet, Darryl Banks and Dietrich Smith |
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: Manitou Raven (husband; deceased)
Group Affiliation(s): JLA
Group Affiliation (former): Justice League Elite
Gender: Female
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance: JLA #75 (January 2003): [The Obsidian Age Conclusion]: "Tragic Kingdom"
Creators: Joe Kelly, Doug Mahnke, Yvel Guichet, Darryl Banks and Dietrich Smith
The wife of shaman Manitou Raven, Dawn traveled with him 3,000 years into their future to live with him on the JLA Watchtower. She then moved with him to the Justice League Elite, where she had a brief affair with Green Arrow. After Manitou Raven died, his spirit appeared to her, forgiving her for her adultery and passing his power on to her. She used this power on the Elite's last recorded adventure, saving the city of London from Manchester Black. Whether she plans to continue as a shaman is unknown.
For a definitive list of appearances of Manitou Dawn in chronological order click here]