Created by Mike W. Barr, Jerome Moore, Jan Duursema, Alex Saviuk and Rick Hoberg |
Major Victory first appeared in Batman and the Outsiders Annual #1 (1984).
Below is the definitive list of appearances of Major Victory in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.
Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.
The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.
To go to the Major Victory (William Vickers) biography click here.
Major Victory Chronology
Click to list by alphabetically by title |
Batman and the Outsiders Annual #1 (1984): "Land Where Our Fathers Died" |
Outsiders Vol. 1 #2 (December 1985): "Nuclear Fear Part II: Family Ties" |
Outsiders Vol. 1 #3 (January 1986): "Breaking the Bank!" |
Outsiders Vol. 1 #4 (February 1986): "Chasing the Dollar!" |
Outsiders Vol. 1 #23 (September 1987): "...And The Rockets Red Glare..." [Flashback] |
Outsiders Special #1 (1987): "From Here to Infinity!" |
Infinity, Inc. Special #1 (1987): "Siding with the Outsiders!" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #27 (early May 1989): "The Janus Directive Part 2: Scattermove" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #29 (early June 1989): "The Janus Directive Part 8: Heavy Squad" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #30 (late June 1989): "The Janus Directive Part 10: Endgame" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #31 (July 1989): "Personal Files: Father Richard Craemer - Acts of Contrition" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #32 (August 1989): "Steel Trap" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #33 (September 1989): "Into the Angry Planet" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #34 (October 1989): "Armagetto" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #35 (November 1989): "That Hideous Strength" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #36 (December 1989): "In Final Battle" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #37 (January 1990): "Threads" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #39 (March 1990): "Dead Issue" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #58 (October 1991): "Suicide Attack" |
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #59 (November 1991): "Legerdemain, Part One: Forces in Motion" |
Eclipso #11 (September 1993): "A Call to Arms" |
Eclipso #12 (October 1993): "Scramble" |
Eclipso #13 (November 1993): "Hour of Darkness" |