Created by Stephanie Phillips and Leila del Duca

The Original Universe


Homeworld: Unknown
Space Sector: Unidentified
Galaxy: Andromeda
Physical characteristics:
Type: Quadraped
Eyes: Two; yellow
Fingers: Four per hand
Toes: Four per foot
Skin Color: Green
Distinguishing Features: Lexans resemble Earth lizards
First Appearance: DC Cybernetic Summer #1/3 (September 2020)
Creators: Stephanie Phillips and Leila del Duca


Lexans communicate thoughts and emotions through physical contact, creating a yellow-green glow from the point of their body contacting another. This communication is possible with other species, including humans. They are capable of intergalactic travel by way of spacecraft.


For a definitive list of appearances of the Lexans in chronological order click here


Lexans hail from an unknown world in the Andromeda galaxy. Their only documented appearance involved a male Lexan stranded on Earth. After a brief misunderstanding, the hero Red Tornado helped amplify the Lexan's beacon to his family, and together the Lexans returned home.