Created by Ruben Diaz and Travis Charest

Kentor Omoto.gif
Kentor Omoto; Art by Travis Charest


Occupation: Green Lantern
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Jayd
Space Sector: 112
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Laira (daughter), unnamed wife
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Gender: Male
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Brown with white streak
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #6/2 (Autumn 1993): "What Price Honor?"
Creators: Ruben Diaz and Travis Charest


A veteran Green Lantern, Kentor Omoto of Jayd served and protected Space Sector 112. Though details regarding his early years in the Green Lantern Corps are not available, he has been wielding the power ring prior to Hal Jordan’s induction into the Corps and presumably later fought in the war against Krona and Nekron.

- Green Lantern Vol. 4 #31

Kentor Omoto primed his daughter, Laira, as his successor, raising her on honor and tradition. As a native of Jayd, Omoto resented the Draez council's decision to slowly abolish timeless rules. He left Jayd during the so-called Crisis on Infinite Earths. Returning to Jayd, Omoto was shocked to find the city of X'ol had become depraved and dishonorable. Omoto used his ring to influence the Draez council to rescind their edicts. His plan worked until the Guardians of the Universe discovered his actions. Kentor Omoto was charged with political interference, and stripped of his power ring. He was returned to Jayd and the Draez council banished him.

Many years later, Laira was considered to take his place as a Green Lantern. The Guardians came to Jayd with news of her father's death. Laira was under the tutelage of one of the Guardians of the Universe, but would also be trained by Lantern Ke'Haan of Varva. Her training nearing completion, she was sent on a mission to her homeworld.

Laira would later learn the Guardians needed to be assured she was without fear by sending her to confront her father. The exercise would be an excellent way to judge her skills and loyalty. Omoto tried to get his daughter to join him by betraying the ideals of the Corps. She was opposed to this and they fought once again until he was defeated. Kentor Omoto asked for death rather than live with his disgrace. When Laira refused, he committed ritual suicide. - Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #6

Despite his crimes, Kentor Omoto is memorialized in the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps on Oa. -Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files #1



During the event known as the Blackest Night, black rings desecrated the Crypts. The ring placed itself amidst his remains, downloaded his memories and created a duplicate of Kentor Omoto's body that rose from the grave as a member of the Black Lantern Corps. -Blackest Night #1


As a Green Lantern, Kentor Omoto possessed a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Kentor Omoto in chronological order click here