Created by Karl Kesel, Steve Mattsson and Paul Pelletier


Occupation: Adventurer
Place of Birth: Qward in the Anti-Matter universe
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation(s): The Ravers
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
First Appearance: Superboy and the Ravers #1 (September 1996)
Creators: Karl Kesel, Steve Mattsson and Paul Pelletier


A renegade Qwardian who upheld Earth values as part of the Ravers.


Kaliber is the only member of the Earth clique of the Ravers not from Earth. A renegade Qwardian, Kaliber upheld Earth values over the evil deceitful Qwardian ideology valued on his homeplanet. He considered Superboy one of the greatest heroes in the universe, and Superboy loved the compliment. Kaliber is hated on Qward, since he attempts to change his planet's values to more like that on Earth, and he strives to be as heroic as Earth's greatest heroes. Kaliber had the ability to grow to be as large or as small as he wanted, and carried an anti-matter cannon, which could potentially blast anyone or anything into pieces.

During the event known as 'Genesis', Kaliber was one of the elite forces of heroes sent to confront the power of the Source to prevent Darkseid's 'Fifth age' from transforming and perverting the universe. 'The Godwave', the power radiating from the Source, affected many heroes differently. Kaliber was hit in the eyes and as a result became permanently blind. But he did get to keep a lovely Mother Box for his efforts!

Since this blindness was caused by a force of nature responsible for all major power in the universe, blindness is a relative term. Kaliber can now see with his mind's eye: he can see things ordinary people cannot. He discovered this ability when fighting aliens known as 'Predators' on Qward. Sparx's powers were burning out of control, and the light was so bright that no one could see her, except Kaliber. Another aspect of Kaliber's newfound powers manifested when Half-Life was killed during the battle. Somehow Kaliber was able to sense Half-Life's spirit and Kaliber let him guide him and direct his attacks. The full extent of these newfound powers have yet to be seen.

Kaliber was once the anarchist of Qward. For his efforts at saving his brothers from their peril he is now considered their saviour.


As a Qwardian, Kaliber is stronger than the average human. He also has the ability to increase and decrease his size and since his encounter with the Godwave has possesses a form of second sight which allows him to see things that his now blind eyes could not. He carries a powerful anti-matter cannon.


For a definitive list of appearances of Kaliber in chronological order click here