Unofficial JLA Index |
JLA #31
Cover Date: July 1999
Cover Price: $1.99
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Cover Credits:
Pencils: Howard Porter
Inks: John Dell
Story | Grant Morrison |
Pencils | Howard Porter |
Inks | John Dell |
Lettering | Ken Lopez |
Colors | Pat Garrahy |
Color separations | Heroic Age |
Editing | Dan Raspler |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman
- Aquaman
- Batman
- Flash III
- Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
- Plastic Man
- Zauriel
- Steel III
- Huntress II
- Hourman III (next in JLA in Crisis Secret Files #1)
Guest Star(s):
- Justice Society of America:
- Flash I (next in Flash Vol. 2 #151)
- Sentinel (next in Green Lantern Vol. 3 #114)
- Wildcat II (next in JSA Secret Files #1)
- Wonder Woman III
- Spectre Force
- J.J. Thunder (next in issue #40)
- Thunderbolt (next in JSA: Our Worlds at War #1)
- Captain Marvel (next in Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #3)
- Triumph
- Gypsy
- Ray II
Other Character(s):
- Quintessence:
- Shazam (last in issue #29; next in Day of Judgment #1)
- Highfather (last in issue #29; next in Day of Judgment #1)
- Zeus (last in issue #29; next in ???)
- Ganthet (last in issue #29; next in Day of Judgment #1)
- Phantom Stranger (last in issue #29; next in ???)
- Aquaman and Batman engage Triumph in battle, but are both taken out, Aquaman by the mind-controlled Gypsy. However, Superman then wakes up, and Steel finally makes his way to his workshop where he is able to hook himself up to the watchtower security system. In the 5th dimension, Marvel and Lantern enlist some help, partly through the realization that if Earth is destroyed, Mxyzptlk will probably never leave his house again. They also come up with the idea of combining Yz and Lkz into one being.
- Wildcat sacrifices his life in accordance with Qwsp's demands, who bursts the hero's heart. This inspires J.J. to take the offensive, just in time for the arrival of the 5th dimensional 'police' and the transformed Yz. On the moon, Triumph comes to a possible repentance, but is pursued and turned to ice by the freed Spectre. Zauriel saves Triumph's life, but the heroes are unable to free him from his frozen state. As they go about clearing up the collateral damage from Lkz's rampage, Wildcat revives, revealing that he picked up 9 lives in 1945, which is what has kept him young and healthy.