Created by Dennis O'Neil and Mike Grell


Homeworld: The Vivarium, an artificial world in the Atria system.
Space Sector: 2814
Race: Ayrie
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unnamed Ayries (all deceased), unnamed mate, unnamed children
Group Affiliation(s): None
Gender: Male
Height: 4" (approx; larval stage); 6' (diameter; approx; pupal stage); later unknown
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: None
First Appearance: Flash Vol. 1 #238/2 (December 1975): "The Day of the Falling Sky!"
Creators: Dennis O'Neil and Mike Grell


Ordered to the red star-sun Atria by the Guardians of the Universe, Green Lantern Hal Jordan was to apprehend the Ravagers from Olys, an alien race who had to demonstrate their capacity for destruction in order to join a great federation of worlds. The Olys were assigned to reverse a story of creation, namely the Bible's story of the creation of Earth in six days. They chose six different races as their targets of destruction.

Emerging from space warp, Green Lantern came under fire by an automated satellite. He defeated the unit and went on. Jordan discovered the Vivarium, presumably the intended target of the Olys. The Vivarium had been created by an ancient race, long before the Earth existed. It was home to the Ayries, tiny creatures with little intelligence, they required no nourishment except existing in the Vivarium. Jordan found another automated unit, this one was programmed to communicate. It warned away any that would interfere in its task. This model could not be destroyed as easily. One of the Ayries singled itself out by nudging Jordan to look up. The halves of the Vivarium were being drawn closer, threatening to crush the inhabitants. Jordan realized the automaton was using the power ring energy to power its magnetic capabilities. He used his will to return the energy back inside the battery. The robotic killer was deactivated. The Ayries showed their approval of the Green Lantern by flocking around him. Jordan left to find the Olys before they could strike again. -Flash #238/2

One of the creatures left the Vivarium to join the Green Lantern in his travels. It warned him of another potential trap, freeing Jordan to save the natives of Archos, who were also threatened by the Olys. Jordan was grateful for the Ayrie's help and because of the "itty-bitty" size of the creature, he named him "Itty." -Flash #240/2

Though it seemed the creature was barely sentient, Itty managed to help Green Lantern in a battle with the Floronic Man. Deprived of his power ring, Hal Jordan was trapped by super-strong tree sap. The Floronic Man planned the conquest of the animal kingdom but had not counted on Green Lantern's tiny ally. The small creature instinctively snuck into the ring and summoned up the will power to free its human friend. Some time later, Jordan thought he heard the quiet voice of Itty repeating his Green Lantern oath. -Flash #246/2

Itty took part in more adventures with [[Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) |Green Arrow]] and Green Lantern. For a short while Itty was possessed by Ffa'rzz, an alien also known as the Mocker. Ffa'rzz had sought to spread chaos throughout the universe and had managed to mentally control the Guardians and members of the Green Lantern Corps. The heroes were joined by Katma Tui, who had eluded Ffa'rzz' domination. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #97-99

Hal Jordan's cousin, also named Hal Jordan but perhaps better known as the superhero Air Wave, took a liking to Itty. Both Jordans travelled along with Itty in the elder Jordan's truck. Green Lantern trusted Air Wave to keep Itty safe. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #102 - 103

Tragedy would soon strike Green Lantern's little friend. One day, the lively Itty stopped moving. For five days he lay still. Though they had hoped Itty's metabolism was going through some sort of change, it appeared differently. They believed their friend had died. A small funeral service was held for their alien friend. Itty was laid to rest outside the estate of Carol Ferris. Later that night, something stirred from the grave. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #104

A dark, blob creature attacked Carol's estate. It was impervious to Green Lantern's power ring. Though it left the area, it had turned the concrete of the foundation to powder. Jordan was saddened to see Itty's grave had been opened, and the body was taken.

Green Lantern took a sample of the powder to Ray Palmer, aka the Atom, for analysis. The concrete samples were devoid of calcium, which caused the concrete to crumble. The creature was very dangerous, it could absorb the calcium from human bones.

The blob crawled to Coast City Park where it dissolved part of a statue before vanishing. Later, it made its way onboard one of Carol Ferris' private jets. The aircraft was attacked by the Modoran supervillain known as Sonar. Unknown to Green Lantern, the fight damaged the aircraft, and it was forced down in a snowstorm. While Green Lantern dueled with his sound manipulating foe, the creature stalked the passengers of the jet. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #105

Jordan's battle with Sonar conncluded in his foe's homeland. He returned to the Ferris Estate believing the jet was safely at its destination. Visiting Itty's grave, Jordan put two and two together and realized Itty had not died, that his little friend had indeed change into another form, namely the calcium-sucking blob.

Itty had new powers in his altered form, he could teleport short distances. He used this power to threaten the passengers from the plane. Black Canary was injured trying to escape. Green Arrow tried to help her but he was

Green Lantern arrived with a mound of pure calcium, and he told Itty not to teleport away. The creature soaked up the calcium and began his final metamorphosis.

The absorbed calcium enabled Itty to grow into a towering blue humanoid. Itty apologized for the pain he had caused and teleported away. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #106

Itty returned to the Vivarium after his final metamorphosis. It had been breached in his absence. The Ayries were murdered, down to the last one. Itty would continue his journey through the stars.

Years later, K'ryssma of Etrea was freed from her cocoon by a group of Mosaic Children that Green Lantern John Stewart had given power rings. The newly awakened K'ryssma took the children to the Book of Oa to learn what had happened since she began her sleep. One of the stories they read was of Itty...

Since leaving Earth, Itty had spent years searching the stars for others of his kind. For the second time in his life he returned to the Vivarium to find the remains of his Ayrie siblings being defiled by scavengers. Itty drove them off and was shocked to hear the cry of another of his race.

A female of Itty's species was under attack by a fleet of the Laroo. The Laroo considered it their holy mission to destroy Itty's race, the Lasma. Grapple rays from the ship tore at her body. The female shrank to increase her density and create a gravitational field. Her mass grew from the numerous ships that collided into her, their attack was halted by the arrival of Itty.

The Laroo turned on the male Lasma, attempting to destroy him before the female regained mobility. They were unsuccessful, and the female destroyed them.

Itty was surprised to see another of his race, but was even more surprised when they mated. Larval Ayries bloomed from her hair, a new generation of Lasma had begun. They had to escape because the Laroo had returned in force and the female was vulnerable in her condition. Itty took them to Earth, seeking the protection of Hal Jordan. - Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #5

The Laroo tracked their prey, but their armada was confronted by Green Lantern Larvox of Sputa, who warned them to leave its sector. The Laroo ignored the Green Lantern and warped away. Their prey had been located on Earth.

An advance team located the Green Lantern of Earth's power battery and seized it. They would use it as a bargaining chip in their battle with the Lasma.

Itty arrived on Earth with his bride. The energy from the power ring was soothing to the Lasma and could ease her suffering during the separation of the larval Ayries. Itty left to confront the Laroo armada orbiting the Earth.

The power ring energy did indeed sooth the pain and allowed Itty's wife access into Hal Jordan's mind. He learned all that had transpired since he last saw Itty. The Laroo advance team was too late to stop the birth of the Ayries. They launched energy nets to destroy the Lasma.

They had planned to keep Green Lantern at bay by threatening to crush his power battery with their magnetic powers. A tug-of-war ensued that caused the power battery to burst. The wild energy consumed everything it came in contact with.

To save the Ayries, Jordan entered the maelstrom of energy. His tremendous will bent the power to his design. The power flowed around Jordan, creating an enormous simulcrum of himself. Jordan could scarcely hold the energy, he had to leave Earth to release it in outer space.

The Laroo had Itty at their mercy, but their control of the situation was shattered by the arrival of the supercharged Green Lantern. Despite all his power, Jordan was still vulnerable. The Laroo located his physical form inside the enrgy field. They targeted and fired. Jordan was hit, and plummeted to Earth. He used the last of his supercharged energy to disrupt the Laroo ship's controls. Green Lantern and the Laroo ship hit the Earth's atmosphere, and the Laroo ship exploded.

Jordan was saved by Itty and his mate. They would have to leave the Ayries with the Green Lantern when they returned to the stars to deal with the rest of the Laroo. Though the Lasma would stop the Laroo from targeting Earth, Jordan still had his doubts. He was concerned about the Ayries becoming calcium-sucking blobs like Itty had years before. Itty's mate assured him that would not happen for more than four thousand years, and they would return before then.

The Lasma thanked their emerald ally, and teleported away. Jordan would go on to build a new Vivarium in space for the Ayries. - Green Lantern Vol. 3 #43

The final fate of Itty and his Lasma mate has yet to be revealed.


For a definitive list of appearances of Itty in chronological order click here


Nope, Itty wasn't a Green Lantern, but a number of old fans refer to him from time-to-time. I guess you had to be there. :) You've got to wonder when we're going to see those larval Ayries again. Perhaps in the LSH's time? :)

This one's for "Itty's Pal". Just to let you know: the eyes of the 'mouse are upon ye!