Created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino


Ira West first appeared in Flash Vol. 1 #134/2 (February 1963): "The Threat of the Absent-Minded Professor".

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Ira West in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Ira West biography click here.

Ira West Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Flash Vol. 1 #203 (February 1971): "The Flash's Wife is a Two-Timer" [Flashback]
Flash Vol. 1 #267/2 (November 1978): "Origin of the Flash's Uniform" [Flashback]
Flash Vol. 1 #134/2 (February 1963): "The Threat of the Absent-Minded Professor"
Flash Vol. 1 #141/2 (December 1963): "Slowdown in Time"
Flash Vol. 1 #152/2 (May 1965): "Case of the Explosive Vegetables"
Flash Vol. 1 #159/2 (March 1966): "Big Blast in Rocket City"
Flash Vol. 1 #161 (May 1966): "The Case of the Curious Costume"
Flash Vol. 1 #165 (November 1966): "One Bridegroom Too Many!"
Flash Vol. 1 #172/2 (August 1967): "The Machine-Made Robbery"
Flash Vol. 1 #176/2 (February 1968): "Professor West--Lost, Strayed, or Stolen?"
Justice League of America #122 (September 1975): "The Great Identity Crisis"
Flash Vol. 1 #197/2 (May 1970): "To the Nth Degree"
Teen Titans Vol. 1 #31 (January-February 1971): "To Order is to Destroy"
Flash Vol. 1 #203 (February 1971): "The Flash's Wife is a Two-Timer"
Flash Vol. 1 #217 (August-September 1972): "The Flash Times Five Is Fatal"
Flash Vol. 1 #221 (April-May 1973): "Time-Schedule for Disaster"
Flash Vol. 1 #235 (August 1975): "Vandal Savage, Wanted Dead and Alive"
Flash Vol. 1 #236 (September 1975): "Nowhere On the Face of Earth"
Flash Vol. 1 #237 (November 1975): "The 1,000-Year Separation"
Flash Vol. 1 #259 (March 1978): "Black Hand--the Kill-Proof Criminal"
DC Special Series #11 (1978): "Beyond the Super-Speed Barrier"
Flash Vol. 1 #277 (September 1979): "The Self-Destruct Flash"
Flash Vol. 2 #101 (May 1995): "Going the Distance"
Flash Vol. 2 #142 (October 1998): "Get Me to the Church on Time"
Flash Vol. 2 #189 (October 2002): "Messengers"