Created by Dave Wood (?) and George Roussos |
Name: Green Glob
DCU Creator(s): Guardians of the Universe
Homebase: mobile
First Appearance: Tales of the Unexpected #83/3 (June-July 1964): "The King of Nightmare Jungle"
Creators: Dave Wood (?) and George Roussos
During their 3.5 billion year existence as the Guardians of the Universe, the immortals of Oa made a number of attempts to bring order and justice to the cosmos. The Manhunters, the Halla's and the Green Lantern Corps were among their best known experiments.
A lesser known experiment was the creation of machines composed of a cohesive plasma with near limitless energy. Unlike the power rings of the Green Lantern Corps, the Oan machines do not require recharging. Odorless and intangible, the Oan creation was invisible except when seen in certain frequencies of green light. The Oan designation is unknown, the plasma became known simply as the "Green Glob."
These machines were released into space and had the ability to temporarily warp reality to "teach a lesson" to a specific individual. How or why the Green Globs choose a specific individual is unknown. The Green Globs feature a form of intelligence beyond the understanding of most sentients. There is no report of any additional Guardian involvement after the Green Globs were sent into space. -Angel and the Ape Vol. 2 #3-#4
Unconfirmed reports place the Green Glob on Earth as early as 1966. The stories tell of an entity "spawned in the black reaches of outer space and invisible to human eyes...[having] drifted to Earth to use its incredible powers on man in mysterious ways." -Tales of the Unexpected #94
A few years ago, a Green Glob was captured by the villainous Gorilla Grodd. The super gorilla was testing a magnetic containment device he had designed to hold metahumans when he became aware his trap had unexpectedly caught the Green Glob. -Angel and the Ape Vol. 2 #4
Grodd was quick to realize the Green Glob would help him in his war against humanity. Using his "force of mind" powers, he ordered the Green Glob to change all of humanity into apes. Five attempts were made, though they were successful, the effect was only temporary. Humanity was changed to apes for a few minutes up to a maximum of three hours, then the Green Glob corrected reality, in effect "rewinding" time and allowing the true reality to reassert itself. Grodd knew he had to change the way the Green Glob operated if he was to be successful. To this end he would seek out the one being that could persuade the Glob to follow his instructions, his grandson, Sam Simeon. Sam Simeon was the partner of detective Angel O'Day, sister of Dumb Bunny of the Inferior Five. Grodd manipulated agents from Gorilla City into believing Sam Simeon was involved in the transformations. They in turn unwittingly led Grodd to his grandson.
Grodd had already used the Glob against Dumb Bunny with devastating results. To prevent him from doing so again, Angel O'Day shot him, unleashing a psychic backlash from Grodd's force of mind power which knocked her into a comatose state.
The Green Glob communicated with the unconscious Angel O'Day, teaching her the origin of Sam Simeon, his grandfather Gorilla Grodd and their homeland of Gorilla City. To protect Gorilla City from human intervention, King Solovar of Gorilla City had a mental beacon placed in the arctic. This beacon erased the knowledge of Gorilla City from the minds of humans. In the past, Sam Simeon had tried to share this information with O'Day, only to have it erased from her mind. The Green Glob enabled O'Day to keep this knowledge when she woke up.
In the meantime, Grodd had defeated the Inferior Five and taken Sam Simeon. He explained his plan to use the Glob to cull humanity, reducing the population to a more manageable number and also change them into apes. The Inferior Five and Angel O'Day were the first to be changed to apes when they tried and failed to free Sam Simeon from Grodd's clutches. -Angel and the Ape Vol. 2 #3
Simeon agreed to help his grandfather on two conditions. Grodd would turn his friends back into humans and then allow him to be stripped of his formidable mental powers. Grodd honored the first condition but balked at the second. Grodd wished to make the Green Glob his so he could take control of the planet.
Angered by the delays, Grodd twisted Dumb Bunny's neck, the rest of Simeon's friends were rendered unconscious. Grodd had in effect forced Sam Simeon to learn how to control the Glob to restore Dumb Bunny's life. His friends would be put in a storage room until work on the Green Glob was complete.
Grodd has used a device to interface with the Glob. Simeon found himself face-to-face with the Glob which projected images of its origin and purpose. Though Simeon did not know the Guardians of the Universe, he recognized the Green Lanterns and understood the nature of the Green Glob.
To Grodd's perspective, it seemed as if Simeon was merely staring at the Glob, doing nothing. Grodd was forced to use his powers to control Simeon directly. Before he could, they were interrupted by an attack from Gorilla City security forces. After dealing with that interruption, they were again interrupted by an escape attempt by Angel O'Day and the Inferior Five.
Angel O'Day fought Grodd using an unarmed combat routine she and Simeon had developed against gorillas. She was able to keep Grodd off balance, preventing him from focusing his force of mind power.
Sam Simeon used the distraction to access the Green Glob, this time alone. The Green Glob was able to speak with Simeon and warned Grodd must not take control of it as the super-gorilla was incapable of learning that which Grodd did not want to know. Simeon, however, had a plan.
The Green Glob boosted Simeon's mind-force, enabling Simeon to place an uncontrollable craving in Grodd's mind, directly linked to Grodd's craving for power. In this case, Grodd would have an uncontrollable urge to eat junk food. Grodd was effectively neutralized as a threat and taken into custody by forces from Gorilla City.
Grodd had believed Dumb Bunny had been killed. She was alive, but paralyzed. Sam Simeon needed to convince the Glob to do so, but it claimed it could not perform counter to its programming. Once a lesson had been learned, the fabric of reality was restored. Simeon countered by asking to learn what a permanent change would do to the Green Glob's programming. It agreed, and repaired the damage done by Grodd. Sam Simeon believed he was finished. The Green Glob found Simeon's request had enabled it to transcend its programming. It broke out of the containment system, finally free.
After the Inferior Five and the forces from Gorilla City had left, Simeon and O'Day found themselves alone. The Glob changed Simeon into a human, believing this is what he wanted. The two friends realized this was not the direction they wanted to take their relationship and the Glob changed Simeon back to an ape. It rewarded Simeon with a shower of bananas instead. Angel O'Day's reward was an introduction to Detective Oskner of the New York City Police Department. -Angel and the Ape Vol. 2 #4
There have been no further reports regarding the Green Glob(s). How the upgrading of the Green Glob encountered by Angel O'Day and Sam Simeon will affect other Green Globs, if at all, has yet to be determined.
It has recently been revealed the Guardians of the Universe had created the Emerald Eye as well. Whether the Green Glob had been created before or after the Emerald Eye has not been revealed.
For a definitive list of appearances of Green Glob in chronological order click here