 FLYING FOX (Flying Fox (English translation))BIOGRAPHY
Created by Roy Thomas and Dann Thomas, and Michael Bair and Brian Murray

Flying Fox.png
Flying Fox


Real Name: Flying Fox (English translation)
Identity: Public
Occupation: Shaman
Status: Unknown
Citizenship: Canadian
Marital Status: Presumed single (through 1942)
Known Relatives: Arak (ancestor, deceased); Arak the Wind Walker (alleged relative, deceased); Running Deer (father, deceased); White Snow Owl (grandfather)
Base of Operation: New York City, NY
Group Affiliation(s): All-Star Squadron (Young All-Stars)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 128 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Distinguishing Features: Chest symbol is actually a black tattoo.
First Appearance: Young All-Stars #1 (June 1987)
Creators: Roy Thomas and Dann Thomas, and Michael Bair and Brian Murray


A young Canadian Indian, Flying Fox fought with mystical abilities alongside of the World War II group Young All-Stars before returning to the northern Canadian wilderness.


Flying Fox was a youth among the Quontauka tribe of Indians on an island in Baffin Bay, Canada. Sometime during the early months of 1942, a Nazi submarine searching for a suitable base to attack American forces in the Alaska Territories surfaced at their island. Fox's father, Running Deer, met the soldiers and was captured and ordered to tell his people to submit to the sub's captain. Refusing, he was murdered in front of the tribe and his son. Now the leader of the tribe, the Nazis caught up Fox and demanded his loyalty, and he also refused. Like his father, he was shot and killed. The Nazis left, vowing to destroy the tribe when they had at last conquered the Allies. Fox's grandfather, White Snow Owl, was the tribe's shaman. He collected Fox's body and took him to a cave that held the tribe's mystical focus. Over four days, he prayed and performed magical ceremonies that brought his spirit back to his body. Flying Fox was tasked with protecting the tribe from the coming warfare by aiding the collection of super-humans in New York City called the All-Star Squadron. Donning the deep red foxcloak, Flying Fox flew south, arriving to help save the Squadron from the attack of Axis Amerika. Joining up with other young heroes, Fox both aided the elder heroes and struck out to fight for the Allies on their own. However, during a breakdown of the Young All-Stars, Flying Fox headed home to Canada and his subsequent adventures after June, 1942 have yet to be revealed.


Flying Fox is gifted with mystical abilities after coming back from the dead. These include, but are not limited to flight, invisibility, disguising his appearance, casting blinding beams of light, and encircling band of winds to keep others from attacking him. His senses are enhanced above those of other humans and he also has a "secret sense" that alerts him to approximate danger.


For a definitive list of appearances of Flying Fox in chronological order click here


Who's Who: Update '87 #2 (September 1987)