Created by Scott Beatty and Keron Grant

Encyclopediae Vulcanis.png
Praetor with the Encyclopediae Vulcanis
The Original Universe


Name: Encyclopediae Vulcanis
DCU Creator(s): Vulcan
Homebase: The Forge
Creators: Scott Beatty and Keron Grant


 : The First Law: Be wary of those with powers beyond mortal man, for these are the glamours of the pale ones.

The Second Law: Let not friendship, fraternity, nor familial bonds stay you from the path of fire.
The Third Law: Even the smallest spark can kindle the flames of hope.
The Fourth Law: Guard well the secrets of Vulcan, even on pain of death or threat of oblivion. For we are but keepers of the flame and those who guard against the monsters who fear it
The Fifth Law: Pass on the secrets of fire.


For a definitive list of appearances of Encyclopediae Vulcanis in chronological order click here