Unofficial Detective Comics Index |
Cover Date: August 1989
Cover Price: $0.75
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Cover Credits:
Art: Norm Breyfogle (signed)
Story | Alan Grant |
Pencils | Norm Breyfogle |
Inks | Steve Mitchell |
Colors | Adrienne Roy |
Lettering | Todd Klein |
Associate editing | Dan Raspler |
Editing | Dennis O'Neil |
Feature Character(s):
- Batman (next in Justice League America #26)
Guest Star(s):
- Jason Blood (next in Action Comics Weekly #636/2)
- Randu Singh (next in Action Comics Weekly #636/2)
- Etrigan (next in Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #97)
Supporting Character(s):
- Stan Kitch (next in issue #605)
- Rafe Kellogg
- Cecil
- Mahakala (next in Demon Vol. 3 #9)
Synopsis: - The demon Mahakala is on a rampage, intent on killing Rafe Kellogg. Batman gains a temporary advantage over the creature, but Randu Singh senses the undying hatred it is made from, and sure enough it continues on, as strong as ever. Jason Blood is forced to free Etrigan to battle the monster. Once this is accomplished, Etrigan intends to kill Batman as well, but refrains, saying that he senses in the hero something very much like himself.