Created by John Ostrander and Val Semeiks

The Original Universe


Former Members:
First Appearance: JLA: Incarnations #4 (October 2001): "Balance"
Creators: John Ostrander and Val Semeiks


Numbering approximately one hundred thousand, the alien castoffs of a thousand different civilizations banded together, naming themselves the Debris. They crossed the galaxy with ships and weaponry pieced together from divergent technologies, looking for a habitable world to claim as their own but found only inhabited worlds. As time went on, their ships failed and desperation set in.

A faction led by a warlord named Koll convinced most of the Debris that their situation was too desperate to risk asking for help, that they must take a world. The few that protested managed to postpone Koll's plans, but they were imprisoned for it. The world the Debris found was Earth.

Forward teams placed devices in locations such as Australia and Antarctica to enable the Debris to catalogue the Earth's defenses, including its superhuman population. Justice League of America heroes Firestorm and the Flash (Barry Allen) investigated but found nothing. Using cloaking technology, the starships of the Debris fleet shielded themselves from view of Earth and its protectors as they plotted from behind the dark side of the moon. Green Lantern Hal Jordan, who had returned from a one year exile ordered by the Guardians of the Universe, did not discover the threat.

So-called "mind mines" were released in a ring around the Earth. The mines would wipe out an individual's will for one standard day. In that time, the Debris would exchange their ship's population and as much of the Earth's as would fit on the ship. Once on board, the ship would self destruct.

Koll ordered the jamming of all communication and teleportation to and from the Justice League of America's orbiting satellite then the fleet dropped its cloak and opened fire. Unbeknownst to the Debris, the Martian Manhunter and Zatanna had survived. J'onn J'onnz hid amongst the wreckage in space while Zatanna had escaped to Earth to warn Aquaman and the rest of the League. J'onnz had scanned the minds of his attackers and knew of their plan. Aquaman was the only telepath he could contact before the mind minds were detonated. The population of Earth was instantly pacified and ripe for invasion.

Aquaman had led Zatanna, the Elongated Man and Tully Reed, a reporter, deep beneath the ocean's waves. They quickly formulated a counter attack against the Debris and with Zatanna's magical powers were able to transport Green Lantern to Atlantis. Aquaman fought his fellow Leaguer until the ring wielder came to his senses. In Earth orbit, the Martian Manhunter phased into the Debris flagship where he met Vidamara, an alien woman likely of Korugarian origin, and an unofficial leader of the dissidents. He freed them from their shackles to help in the fight against Warlord Koll.

With J'onn J'onnzz, Vidara and her fellow dissidents storming the bridge of the Debris flagship, Green Lantern, Aquaman and the Elongated Man crisscrossed the Earth, fighting the Debris in ten different targets around the world. In Atlantis, Zatanna cast a spell which woke up Earth's population, including heroes such as Superman, Firestorm, Golden Age Green Lantern Alan Scott. The Debris was quickly defeated.

After contacting the Guardians of the Universe, Hal Jordan, Chaselon, Kilowog, Tomar-Re, Katma Tui, and other members of the Green Lantern Corps relocated the Debris on a habitable world far from Earth.

Warlord Koll and the Debris have not been heard from since.


For a definitive list of appearances of The Debris in chronological order click here