Created by Edmond Hamilton and Sheldon Moldoff


Aliases: The Ranger
Status: Deceased
Citizenship: Australian
Base of Operation: Melbourne, Australia
Group Affiliation(s): Club of Heroes
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
First Appearance: Detective Comics #215 (January 1955): "The Batmen of All Nations"
Creators: Edmond Hamilton and Sheldon Moldoff


An Australian former war-hero who, inspired by America’s mystery-men of the 1940s, donned a mask and fought crime as the Ranger in the 1950s. He possibly joined the international hero coalition known as the Dome (an early version of the Global Guardians).

[Pre-Crisis, the Ranger was the Australian member of the 'Batmen of All Nations' but never joined his comrades in the subsequent 'Club of Heroes' nor appeared with them as the Dome in their post-Crisis revision of Infinity Inc #34. Still, it's safe to assume that the Ranger joined the team later on.]

Dark Ranger was killed by either Wingman or Jonathan Mayhew and impersonated by Wingman before the hero-turned-villain was killed by Mayhew.

A new Dark Ranger, formerly Scout, has appeared and is presumably still active. - Batman #681


For a definitive list of appearances of Dark Ranger in chronological order click here