 Unofficial DC Comics - The New 52 FCBD Special Edition Index

DC Comics - The New 52 FCBD Special Edition 1


Cover Date: June 2012
Cover Price: $0
Publication Date: 2012-05-05


Cover Credits:
Pencils: Jim Lee (Signed)
Inks: Scott Williams (Signed)
Colors: Alex Sinclair (signed)

Story: [No Title] (16 Pages)


StoryGeoff Johns
ArtKenneth Rocafort, Gene Ha
PencilsJim Lee
FinishesJoe Prado
InksScott Williams
ColorsRod Reis, Blond, Art Lyon, Alex Sinclair
LetteringSal Cipriano
Assistant editingKate Stewart
EditingDan DiDio, Eddie Berganza

Feature Character(s):

Trinity of Sin (in flashback)
Pandora (also in flashback, her earliest chronological appearance)
Phantom Stranger (in flashback preceding Justice League Vol. 2 #6/2)
Question (in flashback)
Justice League
Aquaman (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Batman (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Cyborg (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Flash (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Superman (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Wonder Woman (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
The Atom (first appearance; in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Element Woman (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Justice League of America
Green Arrow (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Green Lantern (Simon Baz; first appearance; in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Hawkman (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Vibe (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Shazam (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Deadman (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)
Mera (in flashforward to Justice League Vol. 2 #23)

Supporting Character(s):

S.T.A.R. Labs Personnel
Silas Stone (last in Justice League Vol. 2 #6)
Sarah Charles (last in Justice League Vol. 2 #4)
Thomas Morrow (in between Justice League Vol. 2 #4 and #16)
Steve Trevor (last in Justice League Vol. 2 #8)
Etta Candy (last in Justice League Vol. 2 #8)


Amazo (last in Justice League Vol. 2 #8)

Guest Appearance(s):

Circle of Eternity (in flashback)
Wizard (in flashback)

Cameo Appearance(s):

Batman of Earth 2
Superman of Earth 2
Wonder Woman of Earth 2
Robin of Earth 2
Supergirl of Earth 2
Flash of Earth 2
Alan Scott of Earth 2


This issue also had "The New 52! The Second Wave" previews of "Batman, Incorporated"; "Dial H"; "Earth Two"; "Worlds' Finest"; "The Ravagers" and G.I. Combat.