 Unofficial Convergence Index

Convergence 0


Cover Date: June 2015
Cover Price: $4.99
Publication Date: 2015-04-01


Cover Credits:
Art: Ethan Van Sciver (Cover A+B; signed), Patrick Zircher (Cover D; signed), Adam Hughes (Cover E)
Pencils: Tony S. Daniel (Cover C; signed)
Inks: Mark Morales (Cover C; signed)
Colors: Marcelo Maiolo (Cover A), Tomeu Morey (Cover C; signed), Hi-Fi (Cover D; signed)

Story: "The God Machine" (28 Pages)


StoryDan Jurgens, Jeff King
ArtEthan Van Sciver
ColorsMarcelo Maiolo
LetteringTravis Lanham
Assistant editingDavid Piña
EditingDan DiDio

Feature Character(s):

Superman (New 52; last in Superman: Doomed #2)


Brainiac 13 (pre-Flashpoint)
Brainiac (DC Universe Online Legends)
Brainiac (pre-Crisis)
Pulsar Stargrave (pre-Crisis)
Brainiac (Superman Adventures)
Brainiac (Vril Dox; New 52; last in Superman: Doomed #2)
Brainiac (Vril Dox; pre-Flashpoint)
Other Unidentified Brainiacs
Telos (first appearance)

Cameo Appearance(s):

Doomsday (pre-Flashpoint)
Superman of Earth 2 (Crisis on Infinite Earths)
Lois Lane (pre-Flashpoint)
Power Girl (Kara Zor-L; pre-Flashpoint)
Superman (Clark Kent; pre-Flashpoint)
Superman Variants


Story continues in the next issue.


Where do worlds go when they die? The Earthquakes felt round the Multiverse, Superman's lost days after "Doomed," the World's End-all these points will converge as the history of the DCU is spun from a new perspective, the perspective of a mad god and his arrogant child. The biggest story in DC history ties into literally every DC story ever told-and it all begins here. Kingdom Come, Red Son, Wild West Justice League, Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew-all the worlds you remember can still be found on Telos. Everything matters. Every story matters.


Additional Variant Covers