Unofficial Comic Novel Index |

Cover Date: 1947
Cover Price: $0.10
Publication Date: 1947-06-20
Cover Credits:
Art: Al Carreno
"Chapter II Pursuit to South America"
"Chapter III Lord Craven's Revenge"
"Chapter IV Death in Tibet"
"Chapter V The Trail Ends"
Story | Otto Binder |
Art | Al Carreno |
Feature Character(s):
- Radar (also in flashback to May 8, 1945)
- Anarcho (first appearance; an international terrorist; formerly working for the Nazis; also in flashback to May 8, 1945; probably dies)
- Erik Helving (first appearance; Norway's number one traitor; dies)
- Diablo (first appearance; South America's number one traitor; dies)
- Lord Craven (first appearance; a former British fascist leader; poses as Sir Huxley; commits suicide)
- Dr. Fu Tong (first appearance; a Chinese who worked with the Japanese; dies)
- Pedro Dinero (first appearance; a newspaper publisher working with Diablo to start a war with North America)
Other Character(s):
- Chang (first appearance; an International Police officer)
- Germany (in flashback to May 8, 1945)
- Norway
- A United Nations Prison Island off the coast of Norway
- Argeneiro (first appearance; a South American country)
- British Zone in Germany
- Peking, China
- Tibet
- New Jersey?
- This story probably takes place around mid February 1947.