Created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger |
Clayface first appeared in Batman Vol. 2 #1 (November 2011). First historical appearance was in Detective Comics Vol. 1 #40 (June 1940).
Below is the definitive list of appearances of Clayface in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.
Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.
The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.
Clayface Chronology
Click to list by alphabetically by title |
Detective Comics #945 (January 2017): "The Victim Syndicate, Part Three: Unforgiven" [Flashback] |
Batman Vol. 3 #27 (September 2017): "War of Jokes & Riddles, Interlude: The Ballad of Kite-Man, Part 1" [Flashback] |
Batman Vol. 3 #28 (October 2017): "War of Jokes & Riddles, Part 3" [Flashback] |
Batman Vol. 3 #31 (November 2017): "The War of Jokes & Riddles, Part 5" |
Batman Vol. 2 #1 (November 2011): "Knife Trick" |
Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 2 #1 (November 2011): "Knight Terrors" |
Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 2 #2 (December 2011): "A Rush of Blood" |
Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 2 #3 (Jaunary 2012): "Catch Me If You Can" |
Detective Comics Vol. 2 #9 (July 2012): "The Owls Take Over Arkham" |
Justice League Vol. 2 #9 (July 2012): "The Villain's Journey, Chapter One: The Call for Adventure" |
Detective Comics Annual Vol. 2 #1 (October 2012): "The Abyss" |
Detective Comics Vol. 2 #14/2 (January 2013): "Seeds & Dirt" |
Detective Comics Vol. 2 #15 (February 2013): "The Dirt Nap" |
Detective Comics Vol. 2 #15/2 (February 2013): "Love In Bloom" |
Batman Vol. 2 #16 (March 2013): "Castle of Cards" |
Batman Vol. 2 #19 (June 2013): "Nowhere Man, Part 1" |
Batman Vol. 2 #20 (July 2013): "Nowhere Man, Part 2" |
Batman Annual Vol. 2 #2 (September 2013): "Cages" |
Detective Comics Vol. 2 #29 (May 2014): "Gothtopia, Part 3: The Truth & Nothing But" |
Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 2 #22 (September 2013): "Breaking Point" |
Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 2 #23 (October 2013): "Rampant" |
Forever Evil #1 (November 2013): "Nightfall" |
Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 2 #23.3 (November 2013): "Not Just Another Pretty Face" |
Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #3 (February 2014): "Dark Night" |
Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #4 (March 2014): "Escape From Gotham" |
Forever Evil: Arkham War #1 (December 2013): "Arkham War - Batman Death March" |
Forever Evil: Arkham War #2 (January 2014): "Arkham War - The Bane Mutiny" |
Forever Evil: Arkham War #3 (February 2014): "Arkham War: Das Bat!" |
Forever Evil: Arkham War #4 (March 2014): "Arkham War: Empire of the Bat" |
Forever Evil: Arkham War #5 (April 2014): "Arkham War: Evolution" |
Forever Evil: Arkham War #6 (May 2014): "Arkham War: World War Gotham" |
Justice League Vol. 2 #30 (June 2014): "Injustice League, Part 1: Kicking Down the Doors" |
Batwoman Vol. 2 #37 (February 2015): "How in the Hell Did we Get Here?, Part 2:Muddying Waters" |
Batwoman Vol. 2 #38 (March 2015): "How in the Hell Did We Get Here?, Part 3:Tattered Memories" |
Batwoman Vol. 2 #39 (April 2015): "Alice Sweet Alice" |
Batwoman Vol. 2 #40 (May 2015): "Nocturne in Red" |
Batwoman Vol. 2 #35 (December 2014): "Mystery in Space" |
Batwoman Annual Vol. 2 #2 (June 2015): "Medieval Times" |
Batgirl Vol. 4 #34 (October 2014): "Crash & Burn" |
Batman Eternal #31 (January 2015): "Buried Deep" |
Arkham Manor #3 (February 2015): "Cold Comfort" |
Arkham Manor #4 (March 2015): "Out in the Cold" |
Batman Eternal #37 (February 2015): "The Underworld" |
Batman Eternal #38 (February 2015): "I'll Scratch Your Back" |
Batman Eternal #39 (February 2015): "The Right Question" |
Batman Eternal #40 (March 2015): "Turn & Turn Again" |
Batman Eternal #47 (April 2015): "The Next Level" |
Batman Eternal #48 (May 2015): "Level Up" |
Batman Eternal #49 (May 2015): "Last Stand" |
Batman Eternal #50 (May 2015): "The Tower" |
Batman Vol. 2 #39 (April 2015): "Endgame, Part 5" |
Batman Annual Vol. 2 #4 (November 2015): "Madhouse" |
Batman Vol. 2 #51 (June 2016): "Gotham Is" |
Detective Comics #934 (August 2016): "Rise of The Batmen, Part 1: The Young and The Brave" |
Detective Comics #935 (August 2016): "Rise of The Batmen, Part 2: Apocalypse Now" |
Detective Comics #936 (September 2016): "Rise of The Batmen, Part Three: Army of Shadows" |
Detective Comics #937 (September 2016): "Rise of The Batmen, Part Four: The Great Escape" |
Detective Comics #938 (October 2016): "Rise of The Batmen, Part Five: Enemy At The Gates" |
Detective Comics #939 (October 2016): "Rise of The Batmen, Part Six: The Thin Red Line" |
Detective Comics #940 (November 2016): "Rise of The Batmen, Part Seven: The Red Badge of Courage" |
Batman Vol. 3 #7 (November 2016): "Night of The Monster Men, Part 1" |
Nightwing Vol. 4 #5 (November 2016): "Night of The Monster Men, Part 2" |
Detective Comics #941 (November 2016): "Night of The Monster Men, Part 3" |
Batman Vol. 3 #8 (December 2016): "Night of The Monster Men, Part 4" |
Nightwing Vol. 4 #6 (December 2016): "Night of The Monster Men, Part 5" |
Detective Comics #942 (December 2016): "Night of The Monster Men, Finale" |
Detective Comics #943 (December 2016): "The Victim Syndicate, Part One: I Saw The Devil" |
Detective Comics #944 (January 2017): "The Victim Syndicate, Part Two: Payback" |
Detective Comics #945 (January 2017): "The Victim Syndicate, Part Three: Unforgiven" |
Detective Comics #946 (February 2017): "The Victim Syndicate, Part Four: Death Wish" |
Detective Comics #947 (February 2017): "The Victim Syndicate, Part Five: The Brave One" |
Detective Comics #950 (April 2017): "League of Shadows, Prologue: Shadow of a Tear" |
Detective Comics #951 (April 2017): "League of Shadows, Part 1: Unleashed" |
Detective Comics #952 (May 2017): "League of Shadows, Part Two: The Five Fingers of Death" |
Detective Comics #953 (May 2017): "League of Shadows, Part Three: Kiss of the Dragon" |
Detective Comics #955 (June 2017): "League of Shadows, Part 5: Fists of Fury" |
Detective Comics #956 (July 2017): "League of Shadows, Finale: The Duel" |
Detective Comics #958 (August 2017): "Intelligence, Part 1" |
Detective Comics #959 (August 2017): "Intelligence, Part 2: Transcendence" |
Detective Comics #960 (September 2017): "Intelligence, Part 3: Short Circuit" |
Detective Comics #961 (September 2017): "Intelligence, Part 4: Ghost in the Shell" |
Detective Comics #962 (October 2017): "Intelligence, Finale: Judgement Day" |
Detective Comics #963 (October 2017): "Utopia" |
Detective Comics #964 (November 2017): "Dystopia" |
Detective Comics #967 (December 2017): "A Lonely Place of Living, Chapter 3" |
Detective Comics #968 (January 2018): "A Lonely Place of Living, Conclusion" |
Detective Comics #969 (January 2018): "Fall of the Batmen, Part 1" |
Detective Comics #970 (February 2018): "Fall of the Batmen, Part 2" |
Detective Comics #971 (February 2018): "Fall of the Batmen, Part 3" |
Detective Comics #972 (March 2018): "Fall of the Batmen, Part 4" |
Detective Comics #973 (March 2018): "Fall of the Batmen, Finale" |
Dark Nights: Death Metal #5 (January 2021): "Death Metal - An Anti-Crisis, Part V: The Man of No Tomorrow" |
Dark Nights: Death Metal #6 (February 2021): "Death Metal - An Anti-Crisis, Part VI: The Truth Machine" |
Catwoman Vol. 5 #30 (June 2021): "Good Intentions" |
Catwoman Vol. 5 #31 (July 2021): "Miss Direction" |
Catwoman Vol. 5 #33 (September 2021): "Desolation Land, Part 1" |
Catwoman Vol. 5 #34 (October 2021): "Before Destruction" |
Catwoman Vol. 5 #35 (November 2021): "Fear State 1: Street Thunder" |
Catwoman Vol. 5 #36 (December 2021): "Fear State 2: Sanctuary" |
Catwoman Vol. 5 #37 (January 2022): "Fear State 3: Unafraid" |
Catwoman Vol. 5 #38 (February 2022): "An Unusual Suspect" |
Detective Comics #1053/2 (April 2022): "House of Gotham, Chapter Seven" |
Detective Comics #1058/2 (May 2022): "House of Gotham, Finale" |
Batman Incorporated Vol. 3 #6 (May 2023): "This Little Piggy, Part 1" |
Batman Incorporated Vol. 3 #7 (June 2023): "This Little Piggy, Part 2" |
Dark Crisis #0 (July 2022): "Who Are the Justice League?" |
Batman Vol. 3 #125 (September 2022): "Failsafe, Part 1" |